2-Ouran Academy

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Autumn's POV

I walked down the stairs. I knew it was time for dinner. I went into the dining room. "Autumn?" I heard two voices say in unison.

I saw my brothers and I felt my eyes water with tears of joy. "Hikaru, Kaoru, I've missed you guys..."

"That's a lie." Hikaru stated cutting me off. Huh? I felt a jabbing pain in my heart. I noticed Kaoru touch his chest as though he was feeling it as well.

"A lie?... What do you mean? I know I haven't visited for years but... but I wrote you guys. You guys never wrote back..." I responded.

Kaoru still clutched at his chest with confusion swirling in his eyes. Hikaru meanwhile glared at me. "You quit writing us. Then you never visited again! It's been two years!" He stated then busted up out of his chair in anger.

A tear fell down my face. "Hikaru, I love you guys." More tears fell, "Yet I can't be around you right now." I turned around.

"Can't face the truth?!" Hikaru yelled. He continued, "Kaoru, tell her."

"This could be a huge misunderstanding. We should all just talk about it." I heard Kaoru reply.

"I love and missed you guys. Okay?" I asked turning back to them again.

"That's perfectly okay." Kaoru replied to Hikaru's obvious dismay.

"Although I feel unwanted so I'm returning to my room. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said and left the dining room.

Kaoru's POV

I stared at Hikaru. "The first time we get to see Autumn in years and you yell at her?" I asked annoyed.

Hikaru shrugged staring at the empty doorway. "I don't get it. I think she chose dad over us and mom! She abandoned us!" Hikaru yelled.

"Do you not feel her pain right now? Can't you hear her thoughts?" I asked.

"No, because she isn't our triplet. That's why we're twins." Hikaru confidently stated.

My eyes widened at him. "Hikaru, why'd you say that? She's both of our little sister. We're meant to protect her." I reiterated.

Autumn's POV

Annoyed at the boys I had decided to leave early. Well I wasn't annoyed at both boys. Why is Hikaru being so mean? Kaoru was nice at least. He can still sense my feelings? I remembered Kaoru's hand on his chest. Yeah, he does.

I wandered the empty halls trying to learn the layout. I wonder why Hikaru said I was lying. Did that letter get lost in the mail? Is that why they never wrote back? I sighed and touched my chest.

It's the past now. I can't change it, even if I wish I could. I twirled slightly causing the yellow dress to slightly ruffle. I wish I was in the same grade as my brothers.

I paused in front of my classroom, 2-A, as I noticed more students now littering the halls. I slid open the door walking in. There was nobody inside. Well, at least I found it.

I brushed my hand against the hem of my dress. It seemed to be drawn tightly to my chest. A D-cup isn't that great in my opinion.

I walked in and sat one in front of the back by the window. If I'm not in the back row nobody should ask me to move. Besides maybe sitting by the window will let me enjoy the weather.

I ignored the students that had started coming in opting for looking out the window. I noticed some kids running in the gates, apparently running late. Others still lazily walked on.

People are interesting... Everyone is different. That includes my brothers. They may look alike yet they act very differently. I still love them both. I felt a smile come to my lips. I can never hate them, huh?

I noticed someone out of the corner of my eyes. I turned to look at him. I saw this blonde towering over me in my chair. "Hello?" I asked confused at his attention.

"Hi, my name is Tamaki Suou. I don't think I've ever met you before." He said cheerfully.

I looked at Tamaki. "Ah, my name is Autumn Hitachiin. I just got back from being overseas." I commented. At this he looked at me with slight horror.

"Hitachiin... You're related to those two little devils, aren't you?" He questioned. His eyes seemed very nervous. What'd the boys do to him?

"You mean my brothers? Hikaru and Kaoru?" I asked.

He shrank away from me. "Eep!" he let out. Okay they must have done something.

He rushed back to the seat behind me and sat down. I noticed a boy with glasses beside him. Tamaki started animatedly talking to him.


I was about to leave school when I got a text.

'Hey Autumn, it's Kaoru. Would you like to come check out our club before you go home?'

I automatically saved the number in my phone. I smiled at this. I quickly sent him a text.

'Yeah, sure. Where is it?'

'Music Room 3'

I walked the school for a bit until I finally found it. I stared at its grand double doors. Music Room 3, huh?

Kaoru's POV

I could sense Autumn presence nearby. So she came. I tried to tune in with her. I tuned Hikaru out. 'I wonder what it'll be like?' I smiled, I can't wait to see what she thinks of our club.

I wish we were all in the same class. Yet maybe she'll find a way to join the club. I wonder what she'd do?

Auburn Sunshine (Ouran OHSHC) (Hitachiin Twins (Triplets))जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें