15-An Apprentice and a Question

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Autumn's POV

I stared at Mori. He had a spear about an inch from a guy's forehead. The guy then bowed, "I'm Ritsu Kasanoda. Please let me be your apprentice, senpai." Wait, what? What's happening?


I learned people fear Kasanoda because of his looks. Which is sad. I hate when people judge me. Mori did end up accepting him as an apprentice.


I watched Kasanoda following Takashi down a path. I noticed Takashi push Kasanoda forward. Then he chopped apart the flower pot sending it shattering. Kasanoda's eyes held amazement in them.


I stared at Kasanoda. I feel sorry for him. My brothers had him in a maid costume with cat ears on. They were laughing so hard and Kasanoda glared at them. The music room doors opened and I started walking over. I said, "Hello, I'm sorry yet we are currently closed. So please..." He started laughing but he was covering his mouth. He was blushing and Kasanoda yelled at him.


The next day's my brothers got Kasanoda ready to leave the club room. His hair in dreadlocks, a green with yellow polka dot bandana around his neck, and a bear. Which the bear is apparently Kuma-chan. I didn't know Tamaki held a stuffed animal close like Honey.

Kasanoda apparently needed a "lovely item" like Honey is to Mori. Because it would take the "edge" off of Kasanoda.


Today Kasanoda gave up on letting my brothers style his items. I walked over to him, "There's no need to change. Being yourself is the best thing."

Kasanoda stared at me, "You aren't scared of me?"

I shook my head no, "No. You aren't threatening me at all."

Kasanoda smiled, "That's exactly similar to what Haruhi told me."


I was sitting in the club room cycling through the stack of papers Kyoya had given me to double-check. Soon enough Haruhi came in with red paint splattered across her blazer.

I wondered, "Haruhi... How'd you get paint on your blazer?"

Haruhi sighed, "Well, Kasanoda and I were looking at this bird that he had found injured. I was holding it when a paint can splattered on me, it's okay though. It caused the bird to take off in flight."

I smiled, "Aw, that's sweet. Need me to get you a costume to change?"

Haruhi nodded, "If you wouldn't mind." With that, she headed off to the dressing room.

I went to the closet and quickly came out. I came out and saw Kasanoda. He was almost ready to open Haruhi's room. "No!" I exclaimed.

This startled him causing him to drop the towels. He looked at me confused. I walked over, "Sorry, Haruhi is shy. Don't pull a Tamaki and scare him."

"O-oh..." Kasanoda weakly mumbled.

The rest of the club came in. Hikaru yelled, "What did you see?"

I smiled at Hikaru, "It's fine, I handled it." I shook my head, "I know Haruhi is shy and insecure about his body. So I stopped him from getting embarrassed." Hikaru's eyes widened.

I barely pushed my hand in with the clothes I was holding. Haruhi snatched them and I stood now with my back to her.

Kaoru said, "You beat all of us..."

In unison, my brothers said, "To it."

Kasanoda said, "See what?"

They shrugged and said in unison, "I forgot."

Honey's POV

I sat in the Hitachiin main office. Autumn's mom, Yuzuha, sat across from me. The office was larger with about fourteen delicately dressed mannequins sat off to the left.

She started, "Are you here to ask for Autumn's hand in marriage?!"

I shook my head, "No, I'm here to ask for permission to take her on a date."

Yuzuha closed her eyes, "If you do not think she's a suitable partner then why would you take her on a date?"

I smiled, "I like her. I've fallen for her. Yes, that's true. Yet she isn't traditionalist, so a marriage statement? I'd prefer to go at her pace and get to know her better as we go. Then ask for her hand."

She mumbled some incoherent words. "Brat... Family title... Life as... future... Anger and compassion..." She then looked back up at me, "Fine, on one condition."

I lit up, "What is it?"

She deadpanned, "No sexual relations until marriage."


I smiled at my phone that laid atop my chest on speaker. After a few rings, she picked up. I called out, "Autumn."

I heard her reply, "Yes, Honey?"

I paused as the moment seemed to sink in for an eternity. The seconds felt like hours until after about a minute I decided to take the leap. I asked, "Autumn, will you go on a date with me?"

Auburn Sunshine (Ouran OHSHC) (Hitachiin Twins (Triplets))Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora