She wasn't a fan of heights and he was talking about throwing himself off from here as if he were freaking Spiderman!

“Oh, I just came here to tell you that I'll be jumping right now.”

The raven haired guy didn't let her make a retort and pulled off his shirt in an instant along with his vest. While Ifrah's eyes went wide at his sudden shamelessness, he bent down to remove his boots and socks before straightening up and passing her a wolfish smile. The poor girl couldn't even process what was happening before he threw her a wink and turned around to run to the edge.

“Aayan— ” her heart dropped to the stomach when the realization finally dawned on her but it was too late because her husband has already jumped off.


Aayan yelled out with a laugh before diving into the lake, and Ifrah ran over to the spot he was previously standing at as her heart felt like it would come out from her rib cage any moment now.

“Aayan!” she shouted his name with fear as a loud splash resonated across the forest and she waited for him to emerge from the water.

Her hands flew up to her mouth when he didn't appear on the surface even after some seconds and a sob escaped past her lips.

Oh God! What if the lake wasn't that deep and he actually banged his head on a rock?!

Ifrah backed away from the edge with shaking legs and covered her face as tears fell down her cheeks. A sudden thought made her head snap up and she looked around to see if there was a path that led down to the lake. She told herself to calm down and searched around the area to find it.

There has to be a way, dammit!

After some very long seconds which felt torturous to Ifrah, she found a sloped path which went down and she quickly followed it without thinking twice.

The sight that welcomed her when she arrived at the ground near the lake brought two feelings at once; relief and anger.

Hot, boiling anger being the prominent one.

Aayan was standing by the lake, shaking his hair out of his eyes while wiping his face to get rid of the water. His head turned up to stare at Ifrah and he gave her a full blown grin, but it soon died down when he caught her red face and heavy breaths.


He opened his mouth to say something but snapped it shut too when he saw her tears. Aayan cursed under his breath and took a step forward but his wife paused him in his tracks with a loud exclamation;

“Dafa ho jao yahan se, ullu ke pathay!”

(Get lost from here, son of an owl!)

She whirled around to go back and Aayan immediately followed her in a haste.

“Ifrah, yaar— ” he called out her name but something sharp grazed his bare foot, making him yelp at the sudden pain and he lost his balance. “Ow!”

His loud cry made Ifrah stop in her tracks and she turned around to see him on the ground, his face contorted in pain as he held his right foot in his hands. Her anger faded away in an instant and she hastily made her way back to him before crouching down in front of his frame.

“W-what happened?” she asked with her heart in throat, hazel eyes searching frantically for the cause of his pain. Aayan stared at her with his jaw clenched due to the stinginess and replied.

“I think I stepped over a broken glass... ”

She moved his hands away from his foot and he used them to lean back on the ground as she inspected his sole. Ifrah bit her lip when she saw the little gash with blood pouring out of it.

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