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Grian was tired of running. 

His legs hurt and his wings ached and he felt sick to his stomach and he felt so gosh darn unsafe. 

He wanted peace and he wanted some quiet. He was tired of hearing the whispers of it in his ears, and he was tired of remembering what it had  forced him to do to them. 

He wanted Evo back and the chance to relax with his old friends. 


That was a term Grian hadn't heard when refered to him in a while. 

After all, none of the others in Evo had looked at him the same after he'd let his guard down. 

After it had caught up to him, and made him done something terrible. 

Overall however, all Grian wanted was to be freed from the hold of it

That seemed too much to ask, unfortunately. 

Grian landed on the ground a few metres away from the market he frequented on a server mainly comprised of admins, Grian having been granted access through his ownership of Evo before it had disbanded. No one was really aware of Evo's end yet, so Grian hadn't been banned or kicked yet which was good for him. 

It probably wasn't safe, and Grian was aware that it could come for him at any point in time, but this gathering / market esq server was Grian's safe place while he tried to find another temporary server to stay on while he fled from it

Walking through the area, Grian kept his head low, watching everyone. He could see that there were four admins on that particular server, none of whom he know. The only name that was somewhat familia to him had to be Yammy, a friend whom he'd briefly met through one of his other friends. 

If Grian remembered correctly, Yammy's server was a hardcore. 

That wasn't important right now, however. Grian was more focused on wanting to take a bit of time to relax. 

This was the only place that would give him any peace of mind. 

His tense shoulders slumped slightly as he walked, a relieved look on his face. He could see Yammy and someone with a dark grey helmet in the distance, chatting. The other two seemed to have left, and a quick glance at his checker confirmed that him, Yammy and the helmeted figure were the only ones currently on this server. 

Grian leaned back against one wall, letting out a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. He felt weary, and he was sure he hadn't slept in weeks to be quite honest. 

Everything suddenly seemed to be going foggy, and Grian's mind felt clouded. His eyes were drooping, and he felt so tired... 

The helmeted man and Yammy seemed to notice and were rushing forwards, though Grian payed them no attention. Everything was slow now, and he didn't know what was going on. 

Then everything went black for Grian. 


He woke to find himself coverd in soft blankets, on some kind of bed. 

Sitting up groggily, Grian looked around, seeing that he was somewhere unfamiliar. He was pretty sure he could see prismarine, though his mind was foggy and he wasn't exactly sure to what was going on. 

The helmeted figure from earlier(? how long had Grian been passed out?) then walked in, seeming to smile from behind his helmet. Grian could see the figure's eyes light up behind the purple screen covering their eyes. 

"Goodness, you're awake!" The figure said, and Grian shifted on the bed, feeling mildy uncomfortable. After all, he'd woken in the first bed he'd seen since Evo, and this mysterious stranger who'd seemingly brought him here looked like he was glad to see Grian. 

"Yeah, I think I am." Grian said, cracking a smile. Maybe if he could charm this person, he could find out where he is and if he's safe. 

That plan was the best Grian had at least. 

"I'm Xisuma." Xisuma said, seemingly grinning behind his helmet. 

"Now, er, where are we?" 

Xisuma chuckled. "We're in HermitCraft, Season 6! We started about a month ago since the old world we'd just about finished with." Xisuma explained, Grian taking in all that information. He nodded slowly, looking between Xisuma and the floor. 

"So, where do you come from, Grian?" Xisuma asked, making Grian jump. 

"Well, I, err, I used to belong to a server called Evolutions. We disbanded about a month ago, and I've just been wandering around ever since." Grian decided to summaise over giving Xisuma a proper description of the past few months. 

After all, Xisuma had been lovely towards Grian, and he'd rather not let Xisuma know about it just yet. After all, Xisuma could deem Grian dangerous, and he really wanted to stay here for as long as possible. 

If Grian didn't even know where the enterance to HermitCraft Season 6 is, then it likely isn't gonna find Grian and the enterance any time soon. Grian would be safe, until he recovered from his fainting spell and was inevitably told to leave when it found them and decided to ruin yet another group of friends like it had done to Grian in Evo. 

Xisuma seemed to minorly have picked up on Grian's thought train. 

"So you don't have anywhere to go?" Xisuma asked, Grian nodding in return. 

"Well, I'd like to extend an invitation to you, from me, for you to become a Hermit, here on HermitCraft." 

And Grian's heart leapt at the chance. 

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