Our apartment isn't far off campus but when you lack an important resource like a vehicle, a five-minute drive turns into a fifteen-minute walk to campus alone. And of course, Fisher Hall had to be on the other side of campus.

I picked up my pace as I began to see Fisher Hall at a close distance. Prof. Emerson was as old as she could get, she has been teaching here at Bowling for over twenty years and you would think she would know how to connect her laptop to the projector by now, but to my advantage, she doesn't have it figured out just yet. This gave me an extra ten minutes to get to class on time, the classroom was on the third floor of the building and like Prof. Emerson, they were old which meant that ninety percent of the time the elevators weren't working.

Now I would say that I had running up the stairs three floors up in less than two minutes under control due to my impeccable athletic ability and form, but Aunt Claire raised no liar. My athletic ability and form are non-existent at the moment, stuffing my face with shrimp tacos is my favorite kind of cardio and it has been for the entire summer break.

Out of breath, I walked up to the door of the large auditorium and I peeked through the small glass window on the big red door in the quiet empty hallway. Prof. Emerson was still setting up the projector. Perfect. I'll take the small win despite how ridiculous and utterly embarrassing I look.

I slowly opened the door successfully without making a sound. Thankfully everyone was paying attention to whatever they were looking at in their phones that nobody noticed me walking in. I sped walked towards Stensby and I's seat. It wasn't difficult to spot him in the very crowded auditorium, it's clearly hard to miss Cameron Stensby (also known as my best friend, captain of the baseball team, a proud Alpha Sigma Phi and the only athlete I can tolerate to this day).

Once Stensby saw me his eyes widened and then he proceeded to ridiculously make fun of my appearance. I swung my mustard-colored Billabong backpack at the back of his head before sitting in the empty seat beside him. "It's not funny Stensby, I've had a day and it's not even ten am."

"I can quite see that Everest, did you get run over by a bus or something on the way here?" Stensby jokes and I shoot him daggers.

"Very funny Stensby," I laugh sarcastically at his annoying comment. "To answer the question no, but do I wish I had? Yes. My head is pounding and I don't know if I will be able to stand Emerson's voice today."

"And who's fault is that? You were the one that drank a whole bottle of Tito's last night, more like chugged but you get the point."

I roll my eyes at Stensby. "You're starting to sound like Aunt Claire Stensby, shut up."

I took out my iPad and I set it in front of me alongside my pen, ready (not) to take today's lecture notes. Emerson stood up from her desk once she finished setting up her laptop and her voice filled the now quiet auditorium. "Good morning everyone, let's go ahead and begin today's lecture. But before I forget, Ms. Green the next time you walk in late to my class you will be begging for extra credit at the end of the semester."

Well, there goes successfully walking into Emerson's class unnoticed. Emerson one, Everest Green cero.

Twenty-minutes into the lecture the door of the auditorium opened. Of course, I was starting to think the guys from the swim team decided to skip Emerson's class today. I wonder what Emerson has to say about it (she doesn't). She'll let it slide, just like she has been doing ever since the semester started.

"Prof. Emerson, we apologize for interrupting your class, swim practice ran a little late today and we of course didn't want to miss out on your lecture." Christopher O' Connor said politely while kissing Emerson's ass. Liar. Coach Jennings postponed today's early morning practice.

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