He honestly looked like a scared and rigid little boy who had done the worst thing he's ever done.

"We have to dump him and get out of town." I gulp down the harsh reality.

"Dump him?!" Mr. styles exclaims before finally standing to his feet as I look down on the boy.

"Yes dump him! We can't keep him in the street. We have to get rid of the body and get the hell out of Riverdale or we're going to jail." I snap at him and he looks shocked at my words.

Yeah there's no way this guy killed his sister.

"Okay we have to get rid of him and burn our clothes, get changed and get the hell out of here." I say looking over to him trying to gain composure.

"Uh I can get a fire started in the den. And we can take him out back." He says and I nod at him taking care of business.

We then reach down and begin to drag the boys body leaving a trail of blood to his back yard that felt like miles away that he quickly fixed by turning the sprinklers on. We grunted and groaned trying drag his body to his boat that sat in the backyard.

"Oh cool. You have a boat." I say and he nods.

"Yeah. I say we throw him in the lake but I don't know how to keep him down." Harry says and I find that ironic considering his parents tied rocks to their feet and yknow but I'm not gonna bring it up.

"Let's put him in a bag full of rocks." I suggest and he snaps at my idea agreeing.

That when we began searching for a bag big enough to fit the boy into and we ended up finding some tarp and some really heavy rocks. We laid the tarp down and laid the body in the middle letting the rocks crowd around him before wrapping him like a burrito.

"Chipotle ain't got shit on my wrapping skills." I say pounding my own fist and making tiny explosion noises celebrating the perfectly wrapped boy in tarp.

"They really don't." Harry says crouching down over it and yanking at the tight wrap.

We then pick the heavy ass boy and load him on to the boat. He then turns it on and we sail off into the middle of the lake. I throw my hands in the air yelling "whooooooo!" making Mr. Styles look at me oddly at my excitement considering the situation we were in.

"Jesus Niall. Read the room." He says and I snicker a bit.

"I've never been on a boat before." I shrug before we reach the middle of the lake. We struggled to pick the boy up but I ended up picking him up and throwing him overboard. After wards I dust my hands together as if I was finished with the task when I catch Mr. Styles staring at me confused.

"I may seem really chill. But I'm freaking out inside." I say and finger click at him before singing out "I have trauma issues." He then cracks a small smile.

"Same." He nods getting a little quiet making the situation awkward.

"Okay let's get going so we can burn these clothes." I say looking down and gesturing to the blood on us.

We sail the boat back to the shore and get off to go inside his house from the back yard. We go inside and I seen how fucking amazing this guys house was. He had elevated ceilings, ten foot fireplace and a modernized living area that was probably the size of a ballroom.

"Wow." I say under my breath looking to the chandelier above me and finally catching his eyes staring at me.

"This is amazing. Beautiful home. 10/10. Would recommend." I say and run my fingers across the very dusty grand piano he had.

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