"Edward Cullen I give you the gift of life and the curse of hell .. I give you mercy" before Samantha flushed Edward ability as his eyes widen "I won't fight you Samantha just kill me but don't hurt renesmee or Bella please"

Samantha smiled about to bit into Edward when she heard voices yelling  "STOP!" She heard her kids "mom please we understand this fight but don't hurt everybody around"

Hailey spoke " we love you mom we can go to your secret place.. we can leave from here and be happy as a big family Won't see Bella anymore but don't do this" Holly spoke after Billie just stood she wanted her mom to end the madness by killing Edward as a warning she couldn't help but feel the hate for them .

Samantha was begging to listen to everybody talk to her when Bella quick ran through the fire towards hailey only got Paul to step in causing hailey to fly back into a tree and Bella to fall on her back.

"NO" holly and rose screamed I looked to see Hailey bleeding from being stabbed from a tree branch it went right through her stomach from the back through the front .

Samantha screamed so loud the ground cracked even more leaving a big hole thunder clapped loud frequently as lightning flashed Samantha teeth Grew turning towards a Edward that tried to get away only to get his neck ripped open as blood squirt all over Samantha face and body.

Bella screams could be heard. Along with Jacob attacking Paul.

With the 5 vampires running against the others.

Everybody was fighting . Samantha walked towards her daughter crouching down tears that built into anger a sad howl from Paul as he was much more angrier.


Samantha felt her self go deeper into trances building power Samantha went full force rage stuff started to fly and crack the house behind them started to break down . Trees fell out and flew . Everybody started to scream .

Fire started from cars blowing up . Samantha threw the biggest tantrum that caused disasters every where .

Some started to plead for Samantha to stop but she couldn't hear from being so angry.

Samantha pov.

I woke up laying on the ground in the street I jumped up to look around to see everything torn apart I gasp. Houses was flipped as so as cars
People laid dead in cars and homes.

I started to breathe hard i didn't know what happened .. confused i started to walk down the street towards the main roads to see everything destroyed and on fire.


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Arriving at the old Cullen house to see it collapsed and on fire I run to the back I gasp seeing Hailey dead on the ground i clutched my stomach dropping to my knees "oh my baby , I'm sorry" I sobbed into her body.

"Mom" I turned quickly to see a bloody cut up holly who was in tears .

She ran to me as I hugged her "what happened I don't know what happened"

Holly shook her head "everyone is dead" "what?"

"You went crazy after Bella killed Hailey . You started to lash out burning and striking stuff you cracked the ground some fell inside that crack .

Emmett  gotten his head sliced off by some blade that flew out the air rose scream the two vampires attacked her took her head off threw them both in the fire but they fell in process .. Billie got her heart pulled out her chest mom it was an accident I didn't mean it I thought it was somebody trying to get me Leah attacked me and I killed her" Holly cried out I held her

"What about alistair" she shook her head he got burnt to pieces .. Jacob died from broken ribs Paul fell in trying to fight .. Bella had the most painful death I can say I made sure she watch her husband die I ripped her throat out she tried to get away .. I killed renesemee because Bella hurt us all I didn't mean to go that far mama I'm sorry" I shook my head holding her.

"Shh it's ok my love I'm sorry because I hurt alot of people I'm hurt I didn't mean to go that far I killed everybody"

"Mom it's Bella fault she pushed you she did this it's-" Holly stopped talking to bend over "what's wrong Holly are you ok?"

She lift up only for her face to be all burning and bloody "you killed us mother you Left us and you burnt us to the ground ! YOU MADE FATHER LEAVE ! Everything is your fault!"

I shook my head "no" I backed up as she came closer "YOU KILLED US" all dead people started to rise I seen a dead little girl point at me "You kill me mommy" I yelled "I'm sorry ! I should of been watching you baby I'm sorry you drowned IM SORRY it's my fault!!!"

I screamed so loud blacking out .

Samantha Swan 🦋 •Twilight •Where stories live. Discover now