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Jacob Pov

I sat in front of a pregnant Nessie time and time she get closer to Birth. This baby is faster than Bella's Pregnancy.

Nessie started Showing within 2/3 Days right now she only looked about 4 months pregnant because she's already small in size.

She didn't look like bella sickly Body so I had a Relief but she was weak and tired. I honestly didn't know how I was going to tell My family and the pack , and  me and Nessie been a secret... see Bella and Edward knew they weren't happy they told the cullens til Samantha came they thought maybe the Imprinting changed because she was a child.

I was wrong. A year after me and Samantha became official I went to visit the cullens I felt a pull towards Nessie I didn't tell Samantha I knew about Bella pregnancy and imprinting on a baby I just pushed it aside and left forks to try to live life with Samantha over times I couldn't resist.

Me and Nessie developed a relationship over times nobody knows about our relationship I was scared to tell the cullens, pack and mostly my family that I was in love with Nessie.

I know it's terrible but I imprinted on Renesmee I don't know why I felt attracted to Samantha years ago but I'm in love with Nessie.

I feel so bad for my daughters but they'll have to understand.. I'm in love with their Cousin..

"Jake. We have to tell them"
"I know Nessie I'm going to tell them I have a plan but please don't do anything crazy you'll make things worst"

Nessie stared into my eyes hers was glossy and shiny

I watched as Nessie lifted her hand and held it too my face

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I watched as Nessie lifted her hand and held it too my face.

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Samantha Swan 🦋 •Twilight •Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt