❝ chapter five ❞

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I was outraged at this moment. I stood up abruptly and yelled at Kevin, "You fucking liar! I did not get Taylor killed. We both got kid—"

"Ms. Pullins! Sit down!" The judge yelled, knocking his gavel loudly.

Mr. Rogers was a bit taken back to what Kevin said and rested his case. "I'm sorry Zonnique, I didn't know that this would be brought up." He shook his head.

My eyes started to fill with tears again. The courtroom got quiet and saw a man in the jury reading the report.

"The jury grants Kevin David with full custody of Jayden Taylor David." The judge knocked his gavel again and stood up.

"No, no, no, no." I shook my head and the tears came pouring out of my eyes. I stood up and watched Kevin with a smirk on his face. I was about to charge at him but Chresanto held me back. "Let me fucking go! He's not gonna take the baby away from me!"

"I already did." Kevin chuckled.

My breathing became uneven as I broke down. "N-No, you s-son of a—"

"Finish that sentence." Kevin got in my face. "And I swear I won't allow you to see him."

"Back the fuck off." Chresanto growled at him, stepping in front of me. "Do you not fucking see what she's fucking going through? And for you to come and take away her son like that? You are heartless, you son of a bitch."

"He's my son also." Kevin shrugged. "I could careless what she's going through. All I care about is my wife and son. In which I will come pick him up tomorrow morning. I'll give Zonnique some time with him for the rest of the say." He walked off.

I couldn't stop the tears. I was angry and I was hurt. We walked out the courtroom. I stopped in front of Chresanto's new car, refusing to get in. I had to take a moment to rewind what just happened. Jessica approached me.

"I'm sorry," She did a fake pout. "I never meant for all this happened. You are—"

I raised my hand, slapping her hard. "You go to hell."

She looked at me, shockingly. She held her cheek and was about to hit me back but Chresanto quickly caught her hand and stepped in the middle of us.

"Stop!" He yelled at her. "You're the reason all this shit happened!"

Jessica looked at me. "Oh, you've messed with wrong girl."

She cut her eyes at me and stormed off. Going to her car, I'm guessing. I let out a loud groan, pulling my hair. Chresanto held my arms, stopping me. He embraced me and I cried in his chest. He softly rubbed my back.

"I'm right here," He whispered, kissing my forehead. "Right here."

I pulled away. "This...This is all m-my f-fault." More tears came out of my eyes. "All my f-fault."

He shook his head. "Stop saying that. We both know that its not." He opened the passenger door for me. "Let's take you home."

When we got home, Jana, who was watching over Jayden for me while I went to court, frowned when she saw me. My eyes were red and puffy, so she already knew what that meant.

She pulled me in a hug. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." I nodded and tucked in my bottom. We both pulled away and she kissed my cheek. "I'll see you later,"

She left and Chresanto locked the door after her. I crouched in front of Jayden, who instantly smiled at me. I did a weak smile and ran my hand through his soft hair.

"I'm sorry." I said to him. I could barely talk at how dry my throat was. I sniffed and sat on the floor with Jayden in my arm. I kissed the top of his hair. "I'm so sorry."

Chres came and sat next to me. I leaned my head on his chest and let out a shaky breath.  "I don't wanna...I-I—" Tears came pouring out of my eyes. "I don't wanna let him g-go."

Chresanto stroked my hair. "You can always go see him."

"It—It wouldn't be the same." I sniffed. "Kevin live in Boston. I'll barely have money to buy a plane ticket." I stroked Jayden's cheek. "I'll miss you."


"You got everything?" Kevin asked, taking Jayden from me. I nodded slightly as I wiped my tears. "Hey," Kevin called me. He ran his fingers through my hair and I took a small step back. "It's for the best. Believe that."

"T-Taking him away from is for the b-best?" I broke down. "Don't you see how much I'm hurting?"

"This isn't about you, Zonnique!" He raised his voice, startling Jayden a little.

"Don't you raise your voice at her." Chresanto snapped at him.

"I'm out." Kevin fixed Jayden in his arms. "It was nice seeing you again."

"Fuck you."

welp :p . vote and comment for next chapter.

Till The End | Sequel of SAY |Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz