The Tokyo Mission

Start from the beginning

Widow: As you all know since our last official mission we have gotten new members. Y/N, Danny, Katie, and Felica haven't been on an official Avengers mission. That chances tomorrow.

Wait! A legit mission?! No way!

Venom: You're freaking out kid.

Felicia: Calm down Franky.

Calm down? You were about to go on an Avengers type mission! How could they not be excited?!

Widow: We have gotten reports of sudden energy spikes from around the world. The Avengers have been investigating them but they're always gone by the time they appear.

She typed on the tablet and a image appeared on screen. Was that, Japan?

Widow: The latest spike happened here. Tokyo to be exact. We were going to investigate it, but we actually got a call from some friends over there who stated that they had found a girl with a very particular crystal around her neck.

A crystal that emits that much energy? What was it made out of?

Widow: We were given the mission of heading there and retrieving this crystal along with the girl. We will then bring the crystal back to the Baxtor Building.

Gwen: And the girl?

Widow: She will be taken to Charles Xavier since she is a mutant.

This got Kitty's and Laura's attention.

Widow: Everyone pack up and get some rest. We have a long flight tomorrow.

She dismissed everyone and you finally began to cheer to yourself.

Y/N: First official mission. Yes!

Venom: And it'sss in Japan. I alwaysss found the girlsss there cute.

Cat: Should I be worried?

Venom: Yesss.

You rolled your eyes and stood up to start packing.

Riri: Hey Y/N?

You looked to her.

Riri: Could I actually see your suit? I have some new things I want to add to it.

You nodded and headed to your room to grab your suit. You handed it off to Riri who looked it over.

Riri: You got a few new powers since I made this. I just want to upgrade it a bit.

Y/N: That's fine. I trust you to know what you're doing.

Riri smiled and left to her room/lab. You then entered your room. You phone began to ring just as you grabbed your bag. It was Quentin.

Y/N: Hey buddy.

Quentin: H-hey Y/N. Did I c-catch you at a b-bad t-time?

Y/N: Nah. I'm just packing for a trip.

Quentin: A t-trip?

Y/N: Yeah. I need to travel for work.

Quentin: O-Oh. Cool.

Y/N: Yeah. So what was up?

Quentin: Oh y-yeah. I was g-going to see i-if you c-could hang o-out tomorrow but i-it's fine.

It didn't sound fine. Did he want to talk about something?

Y/N: Is everything ok?

Quentin: Y-Yeah! Just w-wanted to hang. I'll s-see if N-Nadia is free.

Y/N: Alright then.

You both said bye and he hung up. You looked at your phone for a moment before Venom appeared.

Venom: If sssomething happensss to that nerd while we're gone, there will be hell to pay.

You wondered what was on his mind.
Quentin was on his phone scrolling through his pictures. They were mostly of him and Nadia or his inventions. He wanted to talk to you about how to approach this. He never confessed to a girl before. Especially one that was his best friend since they were in diapers.

He stopped on one photo which was of all three of you at your mini celebration for hitting 4,000 subscribers. Quentin was taking the photo so he was in the front while you and Nadia squeezed in close to fit in the picture. He looked at you and Nadia. The two of you really hit it off after you both met.

He began to feel an uneasy feeling in his gut. He didn't want to think that his best friend had feelings for you. He didn't want to dislike you either. You had stepped in to help him and you even helped achieve a goal that neither he nor Nadia could accomplish. So why? Why did he have this feeling of jealousy?

Why did he hate you?

He just shut his phone off and threw on his headband.

Quentin: H-Hitchcock and Spielberg, s-simulate holograms 001 a-and 002.

The drones came to live and projected a hologram of Nadia and you. His two friends. Just seeing fake versions of you so close made his stomach turn.

Quentin: Life w-was easier w-without you.

Why did he want you gone?

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now