Chapter 30 | fitting puzzles concurrently

Comenzar desde el principio

Why did his raspy voice have to be so addictive?

Tingles ran down my spine at his compliment, snatching words from my lips.

"I... I can't believe I'm spacing this, " I scolded myself and jerked my hand to shade my face from the embarrassment.

"You mean, 'thanks,' right?"

"Yes Sir, thanks."

His lips twitched into a grin. "Tonight, it's not Sir, pick a pseudonym and tangle along. Come with me."

He picked me up in his arms and left the room. "It's a token from me, you can thank me later."

DWAIN STEADIED ME ON my feet and weaved our fingers as we stood behind the door which led to the outdoor party.

"Are you scared?"

He raised a brow at me the moment he caught sight of my sweating palms.

"Kinda, but never mind."

He squeezed my palms in his. "Mrs. Hortons aren't scared, they are brave just like their men."

"Nope, my case is different. I'm not a typical Mrs.Horton you know, " I teased.

"Stop arguing, " he stopped words from my lips. "Tonight be one."

That said, he walked me through the door, and out of a sudden, we became the center of attraction for the spotlight as the emcees announced our entry on the red carpet.

My arm tightened around Dwain's as the crowd came into view, numerous faces casting glares our way.

Some were neutral, others gossiping, and some stared deep into my soul.

I sucked in the air and composed myself as my husband led the way to our seats up the elevated stage.

The Horton's courtyard hit differently with all the blossom decorations and multiple white canopies.

Large screens projected the event for those at the back and the elevated stage was crowded with socialites.

Thanks to Brielle who showed me a few profiles, I wasn't lost that much.

The evening opened with a speech from Tasha and then a piano solo from Liam; one which stole the crowd's tears as he played the keys in his black penguin suit and a rundown of the program was announced.

Dwain read out a welcome speech and I stood by him, smiling at unknown faces and doing my best to keep it as natural as possible.

I locked eyes with Leonard and Jana in the crowd, earning a smile from them.

". . . ladies and gentlemen, life is full of surprises. My heart met the right woman and my brain didn't waste time galloping with her to the altar. Now, I'm happily married to her, my wife, Elizabeth Horton."

The crowd cheered up and Dwain slanted my head, his lips crashing into mine without warning as he placed a short yet intense kiss with an almost comedic dominance.

"You should have warned me, asshole," I muttered, yet he only smiled.

The time came for us to move around as a couple and greet the numerous socialites.

Done entertaining a dozen, some guy bumped into us, with his glass of whiskey.

His smile stretched with his lips as his eyes marveled at me and his free hand brushed over his cut brow.

"Elizabeth, you look way different from the last time I met you. Dwain is polishing his wife with luxury as I can see." He gave a gentle hit to Dwain's elbow and pulled off to adjust the black tie of his red tuxedo. He gazed into my confused eyes."Don't you remember me Elizabeth, the guy who. . ."

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