"You're up late. I wonder why," said Eli to Freya as she glanced Astra.

"I'm going out for a couple of hour. I might need some cash," whispered Freya.

Eli handed Freya some money and bid them goodbye. "Please don't spend it to much. I'm kinda low this month."


"Have fun at school!" exclaimed Eli.

"Sure, mom," teased Astra.

Freya and Astra then left the castle and explored the forest. They walked side by side enjoying the morning air.

"So, shall we continue our nice normal stroll or have a fast supernatural race?" suggested Astra.

Freya didn't say anything, but she made a mischievous smile. She surprisingly transformed into her wolf form and ran ahead of Astra.

Being left dumbfounded, Astra grinned, "oh, you're so on."

Later, Astra used her super speed to catch up with Freya. The white wolf in front her just provoked her to ran faster. Astra made a mocking face when she passed the wolf. She didn't stop until she sensed a threat in her way.

"Freya, there's a vampire up front. We better change course," warned Astra as she turned to the right.

She circled around the guard swiftly without a sound. She looked back to see if Freya was still behind her. But when she looked back, Freya was nowhere to be seen. The golden haired girl slowed her pace and scanned her surrounding. Alas there was no Freya.

Where is she, she thought to herself feeling worried.

Until all of a sudden, a big white wolf jumped pass her and ran ahead. The wolf brought Astra back to her senses. Then she muttered, "show off," before tailing on Freya.

After forty minutes playing tag, the two decided to stop. That was ended with whoever reach the school gate first. As the result Freya arrived first, leaning against the gate.

"For someone who claims she has a super speed you sure are slow," mocked Freya.

"How can you be so fast?" asked Astra in amazement.

Freya just shrugged. "Probably talent. Here," said Freya giving Astra a paper bag.

The girl peeked inside the bag. "Donuts and coffee, the typical breakfast menu. When did you buy this?"

"On my way here. I thought you will be hungry after all the running," said Freya sincerely.

"Thanks. I better go inside. Class is going to start soon."

"I want to kiss you, but I don't think it's appropriate," stated Freya smiling. "I'll see you back home."

Freya began to turn back and headed towards the forest.

"Wait!" Astra called making Freya to turn back. "I remember I have something that I want to give to you for a long time," she said as she pulled something out her pocket.

Freya tilted her head. "What is it?"

"Lower your head a bit," requested Astra.

The taller woman bent a little so they were eye to eye. Astra then put a shade over Freya's eyes.

"My sunglasses. I pretty sure you wouldn't return it," giggled Freya.

"I thought about it, but it suits you better. You look cooler with it," Astra grinned.

"Thanks," said Freya as she gave Astra's cheek a kiss before she straighten herself up. "I better head back. We don't want your uncle's goons to catch me now, do we?"

After that Astra and Freya parted ways. Freya went back to the castle while Astra went to her classroom. On her way to the classroom, a familiar voice greeted her.


"Hey, Collete," Astra nodded at her best friend's greeting.

They walked together since they shared the same schedule. Collete nudged Astra's arm and spoke with a quite low voice, "I saw you at the gate with a woman."

Astra sighed, "what do you what to know, Collete?"

Hearing this, Collete smiled from ear to ear. "You know we've been best friend and all. So I'm just thinking, is there anything that you want to tell me? Maybe about a new development on relationship?"

Astra couldn't help herself but giggled. For the long time she knew Collete, she couldn't keep something unknown to the girl for so long, except one. "It happen just recently actually, over the weekends," Astra admitted.

"No way! Tell me more!" squealed Collete a little more excited.

"Calm down. I'll tell you over the break," suggested Astra as the bell rang. "Oh, and Collete. I don't want rumors to be spreading around."

Collete made a zip gesture over her mouth and followed Astra to class overjoyed. Astra always felt pleased at her best friend's reaction. Collete was the girl who can conquer all with just her bright smile and personality. And for that Astra was truly thankful.

A/N: well life has been... Something. Anyways I published another book (BTS) which consist information and random chats, for entertainment only. I will also post a review of this chapter on that book tommorow. J's out.

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