"I don't know what she's done but it's seems to be 35 vampires near by I don't know how many more is going to come but we can't wait here to find out ok"

"What about sam and the others" Leah spoke up I shrugged "its best if you and Paul warn the others Jacob has a maybe 4 others on his team from a different area" they both nodded before talking To my daughters.

I looked at Rosalie , Emmett, and Alistair I nodded as they nodded back walking away.  Alistair looked at me.

"I don't think Ethan should be around this.. I can't trust my self enough to bring him on this fight"

He stood before agreeing "you're sending him back" I nodded

"I spoke to my mother and grandparents earlier he has a flight tonight"

"No" Alistair and I looked towards Ethan "bullshit ! I'm not leaving you both to fight alone I deserve a say so in this"

"Ethan baby it's for -"
"I CALL BULLSHIT , I may be young but I'm strong I can fight !"

"Ethan maybe mom is right your still in training we don't need you getting hurt" Hailey said with everyone agreeing.

"She's right little bro you haven't even gotten to your full Powers yet I think it's best to sit this one out"

" everybody always wanna treat me like baby it's completely insane I should be able to fight to it's not fair at all!"

"Son you need to respect your mother wishes and listen to your sisters we just don't wanna see you hurt we don't know what kind of powers we're against"


"ENOUGH your not fighting Ethan you couldn't even barely hold your ground when we first got here when they held you in the woods so how are you going to fight"

"So what but I know I wouldn't fucking let her put me in a coma like she did y- *smack*"

I was breathing hard having a stare down with Ethan before I felt bad "Ethan ba-" "whatever" he walked away angry I was going to follow him before Alistair stopped me.

"You have to stop babying him Samantha that's why he think he can get away with stuff sometimes because you give him everything he wants when he's with you but me you see he doesn't dare to step to me your son shouldn't feel like he holds power against you so I'm going to talk to him he need to listen and learn" I nodded

I looked at the girls "mom you didn't do anything wrong hell I would smacked him too if he gotten smart with me like that" Billie spoke with Holly & Hailey agreeing.

"Yeah but you know I would never wanna hurt you all in anyway I love my babies I just felt bad"

"We understand mom we love you"
"Yeah mom"
"I love you girls too" we group hugged.

We all stood at the airport sitting area watching Ethan aboard I still felt bad for the slap.

The last thing I wanted to do is hurt my son I understood fight was dangerous and I didn't wanna risk losing him or my girls but my girls are more experienced.

We all turned to walk away when I heard Ethan yelling "Mom!"
"Mom wait!" I stopped turning as Ethan crashed into my arms I hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that I deserved that humbled slap I'm sorry I love you I don't wanna leave here with out making peace with my mother when you did a lot of nice things for me I love you so much ma" I smiled big

"Oh Ethan I love you so much your my favorite growing boy I'm sorry you can't fight I don't wanna lose you baby your my own boy and I need you to be strong for us and give us a reason to come back home to Ethan I believe in you I do but I don't wanna risk it you have to understand I do things because I love you dearly not to smother and belittle you"

"I know mom I'm sorry I love you please don't die I need you"

I pulled back looked at him " I won't me and your father and sisters will come back in one piece"

He nodded before looking at the others waving and running back to the departure gate. I smiled  waving watching as he aboard and the plane starts to take off.

At the safe house we all started training with the help of some of the wolves we trained for hours for sun up to sun down.

I didn't sleep I meditated and studied all my powers mastering them all in one take I had to end this deadly affair I was tired of putting up with petty mess with someone I thought was my sister.

She was never this type of girl I knew Renee got in her ear told her some bad things made deals with Cold devils and I was going to fix that problem even if it kills me to save my family.

I started meditating and pushing hard to strengthen my power til I got a bad headache and blood from my nose. I was confused.

I looked at my fingers I haven't bled in a while which shocked me.
I shook my head trying again

I pushed my self so hard I got another headache I could full force my power I needed to practice this soon I didn't have much time to get it right.

Bella pov

Edward , Jacob , an a few vampires and two of Jacob's new wolf members arrived at my dad's house to find it empty.

"They're not here , Alice must had Warned them .. I knew she couldn't be trusted it" I spoke a loud walking around the house.

"Where could have they gone I been ready to sink my teeth in that multiple powerful one you mentioned " one vampire said hi fiving another vampire.

"I got something" Jacob yelled from the back door.

"What ?" I asked
"He found Seth scent he can probably track him if it's not to late " Edward answered.

"You serious" I asked
"As ever looks like he forgot to disconnect and dent from my being in my wolf clan I can track something before sun rise"

"Great if you find something you know to call for me" I looked at him he nodded before motioning the other wolves before running and shifting with the others.

"And what do we do"

"Follow the wolves in case there's a problem" the 2 nodded.

"I will find them if it's the last thing I do Edward" I hugged him "I know babe I know"

Samantha Swan 🦋 •Twilight •Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora