Ch 4: If you seek Clarity

Start from the beginning

The storm that she had arrived in six months ago, had been the first and last she ever saw. In fact, it was the first storm the people of this isle had seen in over a century. Because of this, they regarded Clarity as their goddess. Devoted themselves to her as if she was the highest royalty. To them it was like she was an angel fallen from the heavens and now it was their duty to serve her, care for her in any way she needed and in return Clarity gave them guidance and protection. She was their Zarysa pronounced Zar-ee-sa, the isle people's word for Queen. Over the course of these 6 months she'd earned many titles as their ruler, but Zarysa was by far the most meaningful.

"Zarysa," The freckled woman knelt by her throne green eyes shining with concern. "You must replenish...the time is now. The people see you grow weary. We worry...if our enemies return from the north and you do not have the strength to-"

Clarity raised two trembling fingers and the serving girl went quiet at the gesture.

"Apologies your purity," She bowed her head. "I meant no disrespect. You were most wise and merciful to let our enemies return home to their families. I know the ritual is trying on your mind, but we mustn't delay any longer. The pin wheel in the sea, the rotating wheel in the water, all have failed and broken apart. The ships cannot find the sea creatures that you've detailed. No Eels nor Stinging Ray's. There is nothing left. We must return to the ways of the beginning. The days with which you first came to us. As the ancients provided for the storm bearers before we shall do the same for you."

Clarity gave the briefest of nods in reply signaling that she was ready. Well, as ready as she would ever be.

"Would you prefer not to see Zarysa?" The girl presented a blindfold as she always did. Clarity lifted two fingers again. No. She had to see their face when she did this. What she was about to do was wrong enough, it made her stomach twist at just the thought of it, if she would do nothing else she would look them in the eye. It was the only right thing about what she was about to do.

"Favio, Abrexis, take Zarysa into the sacred room. She is ready." The serving girl ordered two guards. They both got on either side of Clarity and lifted her up carrying her through the curtains. Once past them she could clearly see a man lying down on the table. Ritualistic designs painted all across his skin from head to toe. The two guards setting her down on a crystal seat just before the alter. Candles of incense were lit all around the room. The echoing of people whispering a chant could be heard drifting throughout the room.

"You lie in the presence of Clarity Springs first of her name," The serving girl announced, standing at Claritys side once again. "Bringer of the Storm, The Divine one, Goddess of light, Goddess of lightning, the spark of nightfall, Protector of Zaralty, Striker of the Dishonored, Eyes of the Incandescent, The Asher, rightful ruler on high, Zarysa of the Zorcai Isles and Seas."

"" Clarity attempted to ask, but her tongue wouldn't move properly. She barely had the strength to lift it to speak. Luckily the man lying there understood just the same.

"I am called Ronalty, your grace." The man answered. "I have lived my life to its fullest regard you have my word. I have not seen my family for many moons. It is my desire to be with them once more. I offer my soul's blood to you. May it replenish and bestow the strength that you require. Accept my offering for I make this sacrifice of my own free will. I wish to see your eyes shine as they once did."

With that said, no more words were spoken. The time for talking was over. The serving girl turned her back to the scene. As did the guards.  The chanting people bowed their heads in reverence voices raising from a whisper to a roar. Clarity took a deep breath and placed one hand on the man's chest and another on his head. She reached inside him, taking hold of the lightning in his body and pulled, quite literally sucking the life out of him. She could feel her strength returning, her skin becoming less sunken and ashen, more full of life. Her vision was clearing of spots and she no longer felt like she was going to keel over, but at the same time she could feel Ronalty dying by her hand, his eyes losing that spark of life, skin graying and shrinking to resemble a raisin. It was painless, Clarity made sure to shock his nerves to numbness, but even so it broke her heart she had to do this in order to live. Killing by accident was one thing, killing on purpose was another, but Clarity didn't exactly know where voluntarily murdered stood between those two.

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