The Miraculous Darkest Hour Part 1: Heroes United

Start from the beginning

"No I wasn't," Sonic said with guilt and tears on his face. "I lied to Marinette and I pay the price for it, now all of you guys know who she is."

"It's not your fault," Adrien said when he sat down beside him. "You're no worse than Lila, who lies a lot just to get attention and manage to get Marinette expelled from school once."

"You guys also probably manage to skip class to save the day," Sonic said wiping his eyes. "But you guys still manage to keep it a secret?"

"Yeah until now," Adrien said."it's because Master Fu told us keep our identities a secret, and now he even chose Marinette to be the guardian of the Miraculouses."

"But you and Marinette are hiding it no more," Ayla said as she came with Nino, Max, Markov, Luka, Kagami, Tails, Amy, Diana, and SGL to check on Sonic and Adrien.

"Guys, what are you doing here?" Sonic asked.

"Dude, we're looking for you," Nino answered. "And what you did was totally sick."

Sonic replied "I'm no hero, I exposed who Ladybug really is, "sniff" and that cost me my friend Knuckles."

"That's a okay," Ayla said. "Now I really know why Marinette keeps skipping school, to fight and kick ass."

"Marinette is our friend," Luka said. And what we'll do is fight for her."

"We've gotta protect this city from Hawk Moth." Markov said. "Do this for the sake of the one who chose Marinette to be our leader."

Then Kagami came up to Sonic and said "I loved Adrien and couldn't even give him up to Marinette even if was for the sake for our friendship, I was totally foolish for not doing so."

Sonic answered "Let's do this, Hawk Moth and Eggman are getting their asses kicked tonight."

Everyone cheered but then Tails pulled out something for everyone to see, it was the Miraculous box. "Wait a minute," Sonic said. "Where did you find that Tails?"

Tails answered "When I was searching for you, I came across Marinette's room and that's where I found and I noticed that it has special powers in them."

So Sonic took it from Tails and opened it, he saw the Miraculouses as well as the kwamiis coming out of them. "So those are the Kwamiis?" Sonic asked as nearly everyone took their Miraculouses out of the box. "And I guess everyone knows who they have?"

A turtle kwamii named Wayzz asked "What brings you trouble my friends?"

Plagg explained "Hawk Moth has teamed with this fella named Dr. Eggman, they hunted down the jewelry known as the Chaos Emeralds, and they have taken over Paris already."

"I knew this day would come like Master Fu warned before he lost his memory and left Paris," Wayzz said. "Hawk Moth will soon get his hands on us if we don't do something about it."

Then Wayzz sees Sonic is with them and asked "Who is this blue creature over here?"

That over here is Sonic the Hedgehog," Nino said. "He's a video game character from the 90s."

"It's a long story of how I got here." Sonic said to Wayzz. "I was caring for the person who currently your holder."

"You mean Marinette?" Wayzz asked. "What happened out there?"

Sonic explained to them that Marinette's parents were killed by Lila who tried to murder him too and he showed Wayzz the ring they given to him.

"Oh no," Wayzz said horrified at what happened. "I'm really sorry about what happened."

"It's not your fault guys," Amy said. "That Lila is such an asshole to Marinette/Ladybug."

"And we'll fight for Marinette, Paris, Nooroo and Master Fu," Wayzz said. "Are you ready Kwamiis to defeat Hawk Moth once more?" Then all the Kwamiis cheered.

Then Adrien and the others put on their Miraculouses and were ready to transform into their hero identities.

Adrien: "Plagg, Claws Out!"

Ayla: "Trixx, Let's Pounce!"

Nino: "Wayzz, Shells on!"

Luka: Sass, Scales Slither!"

Kagami: "Longg, Bring the Storm!"

Max: "Kaalki, Full Gallop!"

They all transformed into Chat Noir, Rena Rouge, Carapace, Viperion, Ryuko, and Pegasus respectively and Sonic reacted to them saying "Holy crap, Knuckles would love to see this!"

"We have no time to waist," Chat Noir said. "We've gotta find Marinette and save Paris." So they all head off to find Marinette.

Marinette's P.O.V:

After all the pain and suffering I've gone through especially what happened earlier, I was done with being Ladybug since my friends and Chat Noir know who I am.

Tears stream down my eyes and I was hugging my Chat Noir plush I have and Tikki snuggled with me, then suddenly images of all the times Lila put me through hell even when she murdered my parents.

It was so much pain that I start crying a waterfall of tears "Mom, Dad, please don't go, I need you!" I wailed in pain. "Please don't leave me."

Then I looked up and saw some books sitting on the table, I opened them up and they were all of the memories I had with mom and dad.

Like when I baked my first patch of cookies as a child with dad's help, not to mention the time where my mother help me sew my first piece of clothing, I smiled at it as more teardrops fall from my cheeks.

Then I heard knocking and the door opening, It was Chat Noir and Sonic but what are they doing here.

"M'lady!" Chat Noir called out. "Where are you?"

Then I ran to them and started sobbing out loud on my knees as Chat Noir rushed to hug me. "M'lady, are you alright?" Chat Noir asked.

"I'm so sorry," I cried. "I was so foolish to you guys all these times and I shouldn't even snap at you guys, I nothing more than a Mary Sue."

"Shhhhh, it's okay Marinette," Chat Noir said hugging me tight. "I have just as much flaws as you do."

"You girl are a badass," Sonic said to me. "Master Fu chose you and Chat Noir for this purpose and you guys managed to create a superhero team to help you battle Hawk Moth."

"So if you can do that," Chat Noir said. "Then we can defeat Hawk Moth, Lila, and Eggman once more."

"I guess you're right," I said wiping my eyes and Tikki coming by my side. "Alright Tikki, spots on!" Then I transformed back into Ladybug.

"Come on, what are you waiting for," Chat Noir said. "Let's get those bastards."

Then me, Sonic, and Chat Noir head off alongside all our friends to finish off the villains once and for all.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, despite what I said about this chapter being the biggest one yet, I decided to split this chapter up into two chapters, so stay tuned and part 2 will come soon.

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