Tikki, Spots on!

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Meanwhile, all of the Akumanized villians had come before Hawk Moth, Robotnik, and Nathalie in the Lair.

"It is time my friends," Hawk Moth said. "We'll find the Chaos Emeralds and the Miraculous, then we'll take over Paris."

Hawk Moth then brings the peacock miraculous to Nathalie and said to her "Nathalie, I can trust you again with the peacock miraculous, I do not want to put you in danger again, are you ready?"

"As ready as I ever be." Nathalie said as she puts on the peacock miraculous. "Dussu, spread your feathers."

She then turns into a supervillain named Mayura.

Then Hawk Moth turned to Robotnik and said "Dr. Robotnik, are you ready to join us on a journey to reverse time?"

"Don't do this Dr. Robotnik," one of the captured animals cried. "You don't know what your doing!"

"Oh shut up you pesky animals," Dr Robotnik said. "I've been bullied for a long time and I need the power to get revenge on Sonic."

So Hawk Moth and Mayura both throwed an Akuma and a purple feather respectively at him.

Hawk Moth said "Eggman Nega, I giving you the power to take charge of my servants and they'll do what you tell them to do.

Then Mayura said "And I'm giving you a mechabot to that's powerful enough to crush your enemy, I'm also giving you an army of robot creatures that'll roam over Paris.

"Yes, I'm coming for you HEDGEHOG!!" Dr. Robotnik said as he transforms into Eggman Nega.

Sonic's P.O.V:

Meanwhile, me and Knuckles were playing Just Dance with Nino and Max, we're playing hard difficulty and I mean literally so HARD, that Nino and Max couldn't keep up with me and Knuckles.

"Dude, I can't keep up." Nino said struggling to dance properly.

"Me too." Max cried.

But since I'm the fastest mover, not to brag or anything, I was able to keep up with the dance moves as much as I could, Knuckles and I won.

"Well good game, Sonic." Nino said.

"Good game to you as well." I said shaking his hand.

Then some small blue robot started flying around me. "Don't worry Sonic," Max said. "Markov is a friendly robot, I created him as a friendly neighborhood robot who makes everyone smile."

"Aww, isn't he so cute." I said holding the robot. "He is so much friendlier than the robots I encountered."

Just then, Marinette came in the room and I can tell something is not going well with her. "Hey Marinette, how are you doing with Adrien?" I asked her as she started whimpering.

She then starts crying and hugging me. I didn't wanna push her away so I let her soak her tears in my fur. "I'm sorry I let you down." Marinette sniffed. "I don't how to tell him how I feel."

I then saw Adrien, Luka, Ayla and Diana come into the room to check on us. "This is why I don't date boys," Diana said. "And for another reason."

"Shh, shh, shh, It's okay Marinette," I said hugging Marinette tight while she cries her sorrows out. "Love isn't easy for me either."

Then we heard crashing and screaming coming from outside. "What the hell was that?" Nino asked.

Me and Knuckles went to see what's going on and we saw Dr. Robotnik in his mecha bot, But his appearance was different, he wears a retro looking glasses and he now wears a black coat and red pants and now has a white mustache.

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