Sonic and Marinette

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That night it began to rain, but that didn't stop the Sonic from getting out a soccer ball and preparing to kick it. He started to imagine himself in a soccer team with the announcer saying:

"Bonjour Ladies and Gentleman, I would like to announce you the starting line up for Team Sonic! The Captain of the team is Sonic, The Offense is also Sonic, The Defence is Sonic as well, and The Goalie is defently Sonic!"

"Tonight they will be facing against the Robotniks in this ultimate match off between good and evil, Captain Sonic will be the first to kick the ball!"

Sonic then goes into a starting position and said to himself "Gotta Go Fast." Then he started dashing towards the ball and kicked it so hard that it flew out of the field.

Sonic goes out of the field to chase after it all away through the city. but by the time he caught up with it, it appears to hit through the windows of the palace which is home to Mayor Andre Bourgeois and his spoiled daughter Chloe who is a former bully to Marinette.

Sonic started to hear crashing and bouncing that's coming from inside. By the time that's done, Sonic knew that he was screwed. "Oh, Crap." He said as he sees someone looking out the window.

He was spotted by Chole who called for her Dad. "Daddy, some weird creature kicked the ball and ruined my stuff!" The Mayor then called for his police forces and the next thing Sonic knew, he was spotted by the police and had to make a run for it.

Sonic may be fast but the police are on his tail. "How the hell is this happening?" Sonic thought to himself as he was running. "They can't be this fast."

Sonic kept going but was stopped by Lila who is now Heavy Magician. "Lila?" Sonic said as he is horrified.

"Lila is no more," Heavy Magician said. "I am Heavy Magician, I should have won this match against you, now you're gonna pay!" Then she took a deck of cards and throws them at Sonic but missed.

"You can't run from me, Hedgehog!" Heavy Magician said as she starts to chase Sonic and throw more cards at him.

At that time, Marinette's parents Tom and Sabine were out driving and delivering sweets. "Honey, Do you think Marinette is okay by herself?" Sabine asked. "Don't worry dear," Tom answered while driving. "Marinette is all grown up and she can handle herself like a tough teenager."

As they were talking, they saw Sonic running above them. Then they saw Heavy Magician who attempted to throw the cards at Sonic but they hit the car instead, causing it to explode and severely injured Tom and Sabine.

Sonic stopped running when he heard the explosion and ran back. He saw both drivers wounded and burnt in a accident. "Are you okay guys?" Sonic asked in a worried tone. "I can take you to the hospital if you want."

An injured Tom then looked at Sonic and handed him the keys to the bakery. "Take those keys and take good care of the " Tom said to him as he also handed him a golden ring. Sonic then asked "What is this?"

"It's an golden ring that we hid for years," Sabine said as Sonic puts it on his finger. "Also we want you to take good care of our daughter, her name is Marinette."

"But what about you guys?" Sonic said tearfully. "Your daughter will be heartbroken." But before Tom and Sabine could both answer, Heavy Magician uses her wand and unfortunately killed the both of them.

Sonic then continues to run until he found an hiding spot, there he waited for the policeman and Heavy Magician to pass by. When the cost was clear, Sonic continued to run but tripped on a glass and scraped his knee.

"Damn it." He cursed as he started limping on one leg. Sonic then pulled out a bandage from his handbag and wrapped it around his leg.

Sonic did finally found Tom and Sabine's bakery, he used the keys to unlock the door and went inside.

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