"You know what, let's do this. We're gonna go back and find where the whatever it is that keeps the barrier there. Once it's back to normal we wait for the traitor to show up again and then we catch him" Calum says determined, looks like everybody was in agreement, but there were some holes in that plan.

"Alright, but let's wait at least a week for that. You can't just walk in there, people will be suspicious" Harry says.

"Why wait a week?" Ashton questions as your group was confused.

"Because the research groups are most active the first week or two and then it starts clearing out" Liam explains.

"Ohhh, that makes a lot of sense" Sierra adds making Liam chuckle.

"How do we go there tho without them asking questions?" Ashton asks again.

"Simple, fake IDs, I can get them for you in two days probably" Niall smirks.

"Like your thinking" Luke fist bumps him.

"Right, but how will we get the people out?" Crystal questions.

"Create a diversion" Calum says, like a light bulb appeared above his head.

"Niall could interfiere with their signal and think of a trick to get all of them out" Louis suggests.

"Yeah, but it would have to be something big" Mali sighs.

"I think I could come up with something" Niall reassures. For the next thirty minutes you talked about the plan, trying to figure out everything. Looks like the old group was finally working together like in the past, with a few new friends. That day soon came to an end, but you loved every second of it. Guess this won't be much of an ending adventure.


*What happend during the week*

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Crystal informs Liam as she runs off upstairs. 'I'm done with this' you think to yourself.

"Hey Payno can I get some water? I drank all of mine" you ask and he nods so you run off upstairs as well. Harry and Niall weren't here thankfully which made you go straight to the bathroom. As expected you found Crystal throwing up. You shake your head, but still kneel down to hold her hair back because you did feel bad, but also angry she didn't tell Michael yet.

"You have to tell them already" you whisper,  just in case someone does come upstairs.

"They are noticing your behaviour you know that. This may have been just six days, but time is gonna pass fast and they will notice it" you look to the side as another wave comes over her. She finishes and you wait for her to wash her face.

"I know they will, you've seen Michael yesterday" she reminds you.

"Yeah, I feel like his mark is telling him something's up, more than just a cold. Mali probably knows, but won't say anything and I'm sure the others have their suspicion" you tell her honestly. She sighs and then exists the room without another word. You can't let her be like that, but you can't make her do things too, she's older than you for goodness' sake.


"You know, I'm sick and tired of you telling me you're okay. Let Mali help you, you're not fine Crystal!" Michael angrily shouts at her. You knew he was coming from a good place, but this is not helping. It was break time and let's just say things weren't exactly chill. Most of you were in the kitchen and having a snack, Ashton and Sarah went upstairs to change, but you're sure they would hear this.

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