Chapter 1

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*Katsuki's POV*

I was 7 when those bastards attacked my tribe. My tribe, the Explosion Clan, weren't peaceful by any means. Our tribe name certainly didn't give off any false pretences. No to mention we were people of the dragons and dark arts. Most people may think that people of the dark arts were evil and did sacrifices. That wasn't true. Well, it depended on who used it. But the people in my tribe weren't evil. There were only one or two families who used the dark arts and the rest of us were dragon men. Able to transform into hulking monsters of mass destruction who could use magic. Even in our human forms, we could use magic. The fucking point is, my tribe was powerful, and yet we were wiped out 

I remember the day very clearly. Night had been falling. The sky was the perfect blend of orange, red and purple as the sun dipped behind the pine trees which surrounded the clearing which the tribe was camping in. My friends and I had been play fighting all day. Scratches littered out bodies but we didn't care. It was just part of childhood. "THAT WAS SO FUN!" Denki 'Dunce Face' Kaminari squealed excitedly in his childish voice. There were cheers of agreement from around my group as we marched towards the central fire where the tribe always ate dinner together. That day though, we wouldn't get the chance to eat. 

"There you are you brat! Come here, Katsuki!" my mother called out to me. I rolled my eyes and bid farewell to my friends before running over to my parents. "What do you want you old hag!" I shouted at my mum as I reached her and my father. People said I was the spitting image of my mother, Mitsuki. I had her piercing crimson red eyes. Her spiky blond hair. The same angry sneer which was always present on our faces. Even our dragons looked similar. My old man was the more complacent one in our family. Masaru Bakugo had brown hair and brown eyes. And whilst mine and my mother's dragons were orange with hints of red, my father's dragon was green with a blue diamond on his head. "Katsuki, sit your ass down and eat your rabbit stew! No excuses!" the old hag snarled at me. I bared my teeth back at her in retaliation to her aggressive tone, but that only succeeded in getting clipped on the back of my head. I scowled and stared into my bowl of stew to avoid my mother's eyes. I knew that she was looking at me in anger. I was about to raise the wooden spoon to my mouth when the ground trembled and there was a shriek of pain. 

Immediately, my head swivelled to the edge of the forest where the sound had come from. The voice which shrieked sounded suspiciously like one of the guards who circled the camp to defend us. Everyone was silent, some people began to stand, reaching for their weapons. It all happened so suddenly. One moment it was silent, the next hundreds of men appeared from the tree line. Some held weapons in their hands. Other wielded nothing but magic which flickered under their skin ominously. There was one thing all of these people had in common. On their chest plates, the insignia of the Endeavour Kingdom flickered in the waning light of the day. Everything stood still for a second before all hell broke loose. 

Arrows soared through the air, embedding themselves into unsuspecting people of my tribe. I watched with wide eyes as one of these arrows embedded themselves into my father's stomach. His eyes widened and he coughed blood harshly onto the grass below him before turning to my mother and me and smiling at us one last time before he fell forwards into the grass. Dead. It didn't take long for the tribe to kick into action and start defending. It was clear from the start who would win. We were severely outnumbered and there wasn't enough space for the adults to transform into their dragons. I could only watch with wide eyes as one by one my people were picked off. My mother was a warrior through and through. Normally, she would have immediately run into battle with her sword swinging and lop off a few heads. But when I was in danger, her first priority was always me. The old hag took me into her arms and started running to the opposite side off the clearing. I saw several other mothers and elder siblings doing the same with other children, but not all of them made it. Some were struck down by arrows. Some with swords. Others with magic. A soldier tried to take on my mum, but even with me in her arms, she could still fight. The soldier lunged forward with his sword. He was aiming for my mother's neck, but she managed to sidestep it and punch the man directly in the face, knocking him out immediately. 

She continued to run until we were covered by the trees. My mother stopped and sniffed the air desperately before nodding and setting me down on the soft, spongy forest floor. "Ok, Katsuki. You're going to listen to me and you're not going to interrupt, ok?" my mum asked frantically.  I nodded my head numbly, I was still in shock after watching my father die. "Ok, look at me Katsuki, you're gonna run. Ok? Your gonna run away to the place we all spoke about at the tribe meeting yesterday. You're gonna transform and fly all the way there, don't you dare stop for anything, ok? When you get there wait 3 days, and if no adults from the tribe arrive, you move on with the other kids who arrive, ok? You're a brat but strong, Katsuki. You lead the survivors and you make sure that our tribe still lives on. I love you Katsuki. Your dad loves you. Never forget that." My mother spoke frantically, constantly looking over her shoulder to make sure we weren't going to be attacked. She hesitated for a second before taking off the necklace which hung around her neck. It was the symbol of our tribe's leader. She placed the necklace, decorated with countless animal teeth and beads of jewels and, around my neck and kissed my forehead tenderly. "We love you, son." she whispered against my forehead before gesturing for me to transform into my dragon.

My dragon was tiny when I was 7. Of course, I was a child so it was expected that my dragon wasn't any bigger than an average-sized wild boar. I looked up at my mother, who smiled down at me sadly, before taking to the air and flying away from the destruction of my tribe. I hovered in mid-air and watched as the trees around the area I had just flown away from trembled. My mother's hulking dragon form roared in anger as little puny men tried to subdue her. I wanted to help her. I wanted to fight but a voice stopped me. "Go, Katsuki. I know you'll make me proud." my mother's voice echoed in my head. It was with great difficulty that I pulled my eyes away from my mother and I flew west towards the previously discussed meeting point. 

I flew for an entire day before I arrived at the meeting point. I practically collapsed on the ground due to exhaustion. The clearing which had been chosen was hidden in a grove of trees, It wasn't anywhere near big enough to house the entire tribe, you could probably put up 3 small tents in it. When I finally managed to sit up, I took note that I was the only one in the clearing. Nobody else had yet arrived. I held on to the hope that some people had survived. Anyone. I wouldn't even mind if that bastard Neito Monoma survived. I was that desperate. Whilst I waited for people to arrive, I fiddled with the heavy necklace hanging around my neck. I wanted to cry desperately. I had watched my father die. My mum had sacrificed herself for me. I had watched the destruction of my tribe. It was all the Endeavour Kingdom's fault. I may have only been 7, but I swore I would get revenge on King Enji Todoroki of Endeavour.

Thank you for reading the first chapter of Travel The Distance. I plan on making this quite a long book and whilst it may be a Todobaku book, I plan on centring most of the plot around Katsuki's revenge. You'll just have to see how this plays out. Anyway, thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day wherever you are. 

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