42 8 9

jenna🥺: oh oh oh

tyler🤢: o'reilley'sssssss

josh: auto parts

jenna🥺: aow !

pete: i'll take this as a declaration of your undying love for one another

josh: yes you're correct petey

jenna🥺: i will be giving u a gold star the next time i see u

tyler🤢: we're so proud of you, son

pete: oh geez guys 🥺

bimbo: poly relationships are so 2018

tyler🤢: okay but who asked

josh: hey brendon guess what

bimbo: no

josh: i have two whole girlfriends AND a boyfriend more than you

bimbo: shut up bitch boy u smell like milk

pete: wait who's your other girlfriend

josh: her name's debby but she was very adamant about staying away from the c*ckfest

jenna🥺: yeah debs hates cock

tyler🤢: jenna baby i'm confiscating ur phone

jenna🥺: i'd like to see you try hun

josh: i'm gonna screenshot this and show debby

jenna🥺: am i supposed to be scared joshua

tyler🤢: ask that question again after debby gets out the strap lmao

bimbo: tmi !!

dal🧍🏻‍♂️: taco monday insurance??

bimbo: what

bimbo: fucking what did u just say

bimbo: dallon die

dal🧍🏻‍♂️: i will never give you the satisfaction

ratman: hey kids guess what

pete: you're pregnant?

ratman: gerard might be but that's not what i wanted you to guess

pete: i'm pregnant?

ratman: yes, pete, you're pregnant

pete: oh shit

jenna🥺: can i be the godmommy

pete: sure but you'll have to fight my little cousin for the title

jenna🥺: how old is she

pete: 18

jenna🥺: i'll whoop her ass

tyler🤢: jenna no

ratman: i puked on a cop's shoes and drove away after he tried to plant weed in my car this morning

ratman: i hope he had a bad day and i kept the weed

dal🧍🏻‍♂️: ACAB

pete: ACAB

josh: ACAB

bimbo: ACAB

jenna🥺: ACAB

tyler🤢: what does acab mean

josh: all cops are bastards

tyler🤢: but my uncle is a cop

ratman: that means he's a bastard, tyler

ratman: try to keep up

tyler🤢: okay

tyler🤢: acab

pat: shut the FUCK up yall

pat: it's 2 am on a weeknight

pete: patrick im pregnant please dont bring your bad vibes around me and mikey jr

pat: you'd be a terrible father

pete: nahhh

pete: im fun as fuck and i know how to make grilled cheese dude

pat: your existence is why i fully support planned parenthood

bimbo: ow ?? OW ???? burn !!!!!

ratman: support your brother on his journey through motherhood or be exiled from the family

pat: u gonna excommunicate me from the groupchat ??

ratman: yes

pat: heck

dal🧍🏻‍♂️: okay but mikey jr is a shitty name for a baby, peter

pete: dallon is a shitty name too but that didn't stop your parents

dal🧍🏻‍♂️: and that's coning from a man named peter lewis kingston wentz the third

josh: guys wait

josh: i have a perfect name for the baby

josh: peter lewis kingston wentz the fourth

pete: i love it 🥰

tyler🤢: the fact that this baby doesn't even exist.......mind boggling

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