41 7 12

mr semen: guys im sad

dal🧍🏻‍♂️: what's wrong, sugar pop ?

mr semen: i have to fart

tyler🤢: then fart..? i hate that word

josh: he's going to shit his pants

pete: "he's going to shit his pants" - josh dun, 2020

josh: i said what i said and i stand by that

ryan: periodt !

mr semen: i didn't shit my pants

dal🧍🏻‍♂️: technically, he didn't because he's wearing my jeans rn

ratman: i can't believe you let this man poopoo in yo pants dal

dal🧍🏻‍♂️: it is what it is

tyler🤢: et eez waht et eez

pete: hm..

pete: unacceptable. take him away.

tyler🤢: oh no please don't oh -

ratman: tyler has been removed from this plane of existence 😊

josh: it is what it is

ryan: congrats on now being a widow !!

josh: awe thank u !!!! 💕💕

pete: i know my purpose

michael: european car came with curtains

dal🧍🏻‍♂️: habababa baby berkin

mr semen: dallon your daughter just very violently vomited something green onto my white fucking sweater

dal🧍🏻‍♂️: that sounds like a you problem mi amigo 🤪

josh: that's what u get for shittin his pants

dal🧍🏻‍♂️: i miss spence lel

bimbo: add him, jon too

dal🧍🏻‍♂️has added dispenser & jonny boy to the conversation

jonny boy: hi people i don't know i'm jon

dispenser: fuck not again

bimbo: hewwo jon and spencey i wuv u

dispenser: chair, but make it electric

dal 🧍🏻‍♂️: injection, but make it lethal

michael: squad, but make it firing

jonny boy: y'all are real aggressive huh

bimbo: they're just jealous of me

michael: why would we be jealous of you? you can't even fry an egg

bimbo: bitch you can't even read

michael: i have dyslexia, brendon

bimbo: bella thornton headass boy

michael: okay okay okay

josh: you be reading the back of cereal boxes ?

josh: road signs, maybe ?

michael: rude

pete: that commercial is burned into my brain

dal🧍🏻‍♂️: SO

dal🧍🏻‍♂️: any of you dudeys listen to playboi carti

tyler🤢: do YOU listen to playboi carti ??

dal🧍🏻‍♂️: no sir

tyler🤢: never mention his name again then

josh: i feel like this is ohmnimius

michael: josh you literally can't spell omnimous but u bully my disability

ryan: both of you are wrong, it's OMINOUS

bimbo: ryan

ryan: yea b


ryan: i will kill myself is that what you want

jonny boy: sweetie, you said that last week at brunch because the waiter knocked over your mimosa

ryan: be quiet 😔

ratman: buttfuck

pete: frank ... you wound me

ratman: there are no apologies in the new regime baby boy

pete: ok i understand father

tyler🤢: i worry about u two

pete: tyler you're literally an ugly astrology girl with a p*nis be quiet i hate u

tyler🤢: i hate gemini men

josh: but i'm a gemini, ty

tyler🤢: yes i know honey

josh: :(

dal🧍🏻‍♂️: geminis are epic shut up trombone neck

dispenser: ☠️

tyler🤢: i hate you spencer

dispenser: do i look like i care

pete: ahahahahasjajwhs 🐶

dal🧍🏻‍♂️: woof

pete: dallon shut up

dal🧍🏻‍♂️: 😿

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