Showing Her Trust

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She showed her trust to you a couple of weeks after she recovered from her sickness, since you already knew her true identity there was only one secret she could tell you.

"Y/n... I'm not human and you already know that because I'm related to Superman but... Superman didn't say a lot to the public due to it endangering the human race" She started confessing.

"Yes we are from Krypton and yes it is gone but... There are still many people out there like us Kryptonians. Like my ex, he would probably kill you in jealousy for knowing me so well... so I've made you a red sun ring, press down on it around him... or me... and it will turn us practically mortal" Kara continued as she handed you the ring.

You looked at her first with a face of confusion before smiling.

"Thanks Kara... But I won't need this because I trust that you won't let anything happen to me" You told her, holding her shoulder as you put the ring in your pocket instead of your finger.

You both hugged for a while before Kara squinted her eyes and flew off, you could tell she heard someone in danger.

~Lady J~

As much as you'd hate to say it, you were becoming slightly attracted to Lady J, even after hearing about her crimes.

It was getting close to midnight and you were asked to stay overnight in the Asylum to look over some other prisoners files and give pointers to the guards of the prisoners to protect themselves.

You just finished off the last file and was debating on using the overnight room attached to your office when the lights temporarily turned off and red lights filled the room, flashing.

First came the screaming guards.

Then her laugher.

"Bloody hell Lady J" You say to yourself as you swiftly pack your stuff, you were planning on locking your door when Lady J suddenly burst in, covered in scratches.

You immediately sat down as you knew she would probably pin you to the chair.

"Hey Puddin, felt like a late night appointment since I heard you were here" She said as she locked the door behind her, then sitting down on the chair in front of you.

You slowly got up and grabbed the medkit on the wall.

"What did I say about escaping your cell to see me?" You scolded as you began patching up the clown girl.

"I know but I had to talk to you" She said in a more serious tone as I contacted the guards to let them know everything was okay.

The flashing red lights stopped and the regular lights turned on.

"What is it you want to talk about Lady J?" You asked her as you sat back down.

"My past" She sighed as she wrapped her wounds that you missed.

She explained her past, how she became who she was now, and you listened intently as you gave feedback and wrote some of the less private parts into your personal files.

After that night you felt closer to the criminal jokester.


It had been a while since you two last bumped into each other, you did sense her every now and then but it was never long enough to actually find out where she was.

You jumped from light pole to light pole in your homemade suit, you still didn't know how you were going to get around faster rather then just jumping on light poles.

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