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I was pretty scared, knowing that Kara's ex was capable of literally tearing me a new one, even with the red sun ring I was scared when his name turned up. And I know me and Kara aren't together but we're still close enough for a red rock sucker to try kill me in jealousy.

~Lady J~

After reading Harvey's bio over and over, I can't help to hate the man for what he did to Lady J, like she was a small time criminal before they met and now... well she rocked up in Arkham, so I personally have an urge to punch that two faced punk.


When she told me her ex was Red Robin, well I wasn't surprised that it was another batman member. But she was for sure going through an emotional crash, had to swing out and get her chocolate like 3 times as we talked about it, he's apparently a nice guy but he supposedly had a thing with Mr. Fox's daughter. Tam Fox. which is probably why she was locked up complaining to him about it.

~Killer Frost~

She had a few relationships before her transformation, but ever since she got cold, she hasn't really had any major relationships. And none of her past ones were really to be afraid of.


She literally hasn't dated anyone in lifetimes, mainly due to the whole no loving a mortal thing.

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