Prefered Nicknames

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You have two nicknames for her, depending on if she wears the cape or not.

As Kara you call her your Super Journalist or S.J as she seemed really good at finding things out, and fast.

As Supergirl you would call her Lion, mainly due to her aggressive attitude towards criminals.

But she also has two nicknames for you.

When you two are relaxing in her civilian get up, she calls you Sidekick, usually due to you allows being able to stand by her any time.

When shes in her hero suit she calls you lovely civilian, you understood why but found it slightly rude.

~Lady J~

For some odd reason she'd always call you Puddin, you didn't mind it but as a professional had to tell her to stick to your real name. But sometimes you'd call her by her title, The Clown Princess.


When you two actually speak, you tend to call her Spoil Sport as she always ruined the fun games you played on her, she just called you a pain in the ass but you could tell she wasn't saying it in a rude way.

~Killer Frost~

It was always something related to each others powers, she would call you Hot Stuff or Candle while you would call her Icey or Frozen Dinner, you could tell she hated it but you loved to bug her.

DC Girl Scenarios X Male Reader | Request! (Slightly 18+)Where stories live. Discover now