How You Started To Hang Out More

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After her bad decision to save you in her casual clothes, she tried to bribe you into keeping it a secret, of course you said you didn't need anything but just before she flew back off you gave her your number. Since then you two would meet up on your rooftop when she had her free time and sometimes she would buy you your certain brand milk because of how far it is to get it.

~Lady J~

Well you are her therapist, you can't really avoid her, but what you found weird was that you started off only having to meet her every month for a check up but then it slowly progressed to her demanding to have an appointment every day of the week. You didn't mind this as Lady J seemed to start to warm up to you, at one point she nearly let her past slip up, but I guess she doesn't trust me that much yet.


You started to get used to your spider powers, climbing walls and being able to do acrobatic skills you never remember having, but now that you got control of your power you started to feel your senses go off late night at a constant. It wasn't a bad sense but you could definitely feel someone following you, so one night you decided that you'd sneak into an alleyway and climb up a wall of a building that you felt the senses come from. When you reached the top you saw the same Spoiler lady from the other night, currently scanning the street with binoculars. This brought up the game of you poking her back every time you went out for a night walk and running away before she could see you.

~Killer Frost~

Considering how you both became extremely dependant on each other, it was pretty hard to stay away. It was either her rocking up at your door, frosting up the door frame as she could barely walk or you trying to call her without your phone turning into a hand held explosive.

So you two would hang out, holding hands for the main reason of needing long time contact for each others temperature to transfer for longer periods apart.

It was a bit awkward when trying to go out to eat pizza with her as you'd both tend to react to the hot, melted cheese in different ways. You would think it was too cold and use your mouth like a microwave while Frost usually opens her mouth and panting while waiting for it to cool, which it eventually does due to her mouth leaking liquid nitrogen.

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