Chapter Seventeen: Shell of Your Former Self

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           I am sent home by the nurses in the hospital, no choice but to go home. Once I am through the door, I collapse on the floor feeling the life drain from my very existence. 

          "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! PLEASE!" Voices fade in and out as does my consciousness. 

Hey! Over here you fool! A voice within my mind shouts.

H-hello? Who's there?  I look all around for the unknown person.

A pearly white grin appears, with a figure of a girl in the distance. You should be asking yourself.

I... I'm!  I cover my mouth, what is my name?! Tear's flood my eyes.

That's what I thought. She approaches me, my body not responding to my fight/flight response.

Her hands wrap around my neck, Your name is now Lilith, Remember it well. 

Breath leaves my lungs and I am once again alone in the abyss of nothingness. 

                                                                      (Time Skip)                                                                                                                    My eyes shoot open, my body bolting up. My eyes try to adjust to the light that pierced them, my body being squeezed my dozens of arms. "Oh my God, We were so worried, don't do that again (N/N)!" A girl with short, brown hair cries. A tall, handsome boy in a white trench coat was kissing my forehead multiple times, repeating "I love you." over and over. Then, I realized I didn't know a single one of them, pushing and kicking them away I demand, "Who the HELL are you people?!" "(N/N), That's not funny you know." The girl responds, frowning. "Like hell! My name is Lilith and I don't know what you're thinking coming in here and pretending to know me." I give a murderous glare to all the intruders. "You... really don't remember?" The sapphire eyed boy looks at me with a heartbroken gaze. 

     (I'm sorry about the slow updates, but i hope you enjoyed!)

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