Chapter Thirteen: Blue?!

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     A/N: I've heard that this is not making complete sense and I'm sorry! I'm trying my hardest! I just hope you enjoy :)


   (Y/N's POV)

     "Never?" He scoffs, "Well if that's what you really want then say 'goodbye' " I brace myself for my imminent demise when... "Not so fast!" A flash of blue light, then appears a Blue Eyes White Dragon! "Gh! Get out of my-" He's cut off by a great and powerful roar from the dragon. "I'll destroy you! I'll-" Once again cut off, he's thrown out of the building with great ferocity. I blink once, twice, three times. The dragon then shrinks in on itself and becomes a teen boy with blue eyes, hair, and blazer. He picked up the discarded jewel and put it back where it had originally been. "Master. Are you alright?" He taps Seto's cheek. "I will be." He answers, causing me to sigh in relief. "What about Shiny? Is she alright?" He continues. "She's recovering quite well." Seto lets out a painful laugh. The blue teen smiles, "Good." "Umm... a little help?" I catch their attention. "Help her-Blue." Seto manages to say. "Oh yeah, i forgot," He walks over to me and rips the chains off with his bare hands, "There you go." "Heh, thanks." I thank him awkwardly. In barely a few minutes, Seto is up and walking like nothing happened at all. How powerful was that jewel anyway? 

     "(Y/N), This is Blue. He'll be your protector when I'm not around. Since you've been caught with us Kaibas, protection is a necessity." Seto introduces us. "O-okay. Nice to meet you." I shake his hand (Awkward again). He gives me crooked smile, "Ready to serve, Mistress~" Seto whacks him on the head, "Don't say it like that." "Okay! Okay!" Blue puts his hands up in surrender, "Now to clean this place up." With another wave of magic. Nothing ever happened. 

      Later, we go back to the mansion and find Mokuba asleep on the couch, he was probably waiting for Seto to come home. "Do you want me to take you home? Your father must be worried sick about you." He asks. "Not yet, i want to be with you." I shake my head. "Then you should at least call him." He replies. "Yeah, so he knows where i am. Good idea." I dial his number. "Hello? (Y/N)? Are you okay?! I was trying to call you all day! I was worried to death! Where were you?!"     "I'm fine dad, i accidentally fell asleep at Seto's. I'm completely fine. Don't worry." I reassure him. He breaths a sigh of relief, "I'm glad. I'll be there to pick you up soon, alright?"  "Okay, love you." I say. "Love you too." And he hangs up.

     Out of nowhere, Seto hugs me. "umm?" "I'm so sorry that happened to you. I don't know what i would've done if i lost you." He embraces me tighter, tears falling on top of my head. "It's fine, i'm alive. You're alive and so is Mokuba. We're all okay. You don't have to worry." I return his hug. "I just... I don't know..." He tries to form the right words. I stop him with a kiss, "I love you." "I love you too..." He gives me a soft look. A car horn honks outside, "That must be my dad. See you tomorrow?" "Always." He brightens up. I skip to my dad's car, ready to get the day over with and go to school tomorrow. 

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