Valentine's Day Special

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(A/N: Hey, i'm so sorry i did not make a Christmas special for you guys but hopefully this one will make up for it. Enjoy my dedicated readers!!! Happy Valentine's Day!)

     My alarm beeps annoyingly to wake me up, though i don't get angry at it. I turn it off, crank up my favorite love songs to 10, and sing my heart out. This was the first Valentine's Day I would spend with a lover. My sweet and sexy CEO boyfriend. I wear my (f/c) dress and twirl around in it, the excitement bursting through me. (If you choose to wear make up, you do.) As if on cue, I hear his blue sports car pull up in the driveway. I skip out the door, my handsome man presenting me with (f/f) flowers. I smile and blush in gratitude, planting a kiss on his cheek. He turns a little pink and tries to hide it, "Just get in the car." I giggle to myself and hop into the passenger seat. As he drives us to school, i hold his hand that's on the arm rest. "Looks like it's going to be perfect clear skies today." He awkwardly tries to advert the attention somewhere else. I lean my head on his shoulder to try to get him to ease up. He only tenses more so i look up at him, "I love you." "I love you too." He lightly kisses my forehead. When we arrive, the courtyard is already full of students giving and receiving Valentine's gifts already. "Well, off into the fray." I state, pulling out the bag of gifts I had prepared the night before. "You sure you want to go into that wild area full of malicious, lovesick beasts?" He responds, a little concern in the end of his voice. "Don't worry, I've got you to protect me. After all, you are a ferocious dragon." I grin. He stifles a laugh and shakes his head, "Alright you little elf, I'll show you what true power is." He smirks and kisses me roughly on the lips. "Hey!" I push him off of me, "You promised no kissing till tonight!" "What are you going to do about it?" He challenges. I purse my lips, thinking. Then, i figure out a punishment that would make him grovel at my feet, but not until tonight would he find out his grave mistake. "Nothing you should worry about right now." I reply. "You're on." He grins, ready for the test he was going to face. I manage to spot Tea in the chaos when we leave the car.  "Tea!" I cup my hands over my mouth to get her attention easier. She quickly turns to me and waves, "(N/N)!" We run up and hug each other fiercely, "Happy Valentine's Day!" We exchange goodies and race to find our other friends before the bell rings for classes to begin. 

     Sensei doesn't like this holiday. I understand why, because no one is listening to his lectures. All the students are too busy writing love letters, eating sweets, or looking lovingly at their significant other. To be completely honest, I find myself doing the same thing no matter hoe hard I try to pay attention. I can't help it that Seto is 10x more irresistible and that's saying something. (Basically his beauty is completely blinding you XD) 

     During lunch, we lay a blanket in the grass of the courtyard and have a tiny picnic. I cuddle Seto whilst munching on mini chocolates, sighing in contentment. In that moment, I had decided that Valentine's was my second favorite holiday. "Where do you want to go after school?" He asks me. "Your place." I answer immediately. "Are you sure your father won't worry?" He lifts his eyebrow. "It'll be fine, i promise." I reassure him. "Alright, I have a looming feeling about it though..." He trails off. I laugh evilly in my mind, he has no idea. Out og the corner of my eye, I spot Tea and Yami holding hands and blushing madly. I KNEW IT! "YOU GET 'EM TEA!" I cheer her on. She sees me and blushes harder, if that was even possible, and looks down at the ground.

   (Y/N): Did you confess your love to him today?

   Tea: Yes... He said he liked me back!

   (Y/N): OMG! No way! You guys are a couple now?!

   Tea: Yep! He's taking me out to dinner tonight too. I can't wait!

   (Y/N): Me and Seto are just going to have a chill night at his mansion.

   Tea: Are you sure it's just going to be "chill"?

   (Y/N): Okay, you go me. But we're not going to go too far. Happy now?

   Tea: Ooh~! And your dad's okay with this sensual encounter?

   (Y/N): Please don't tell him! 

   Tea: Cross my heart, hope to die. I'm not a dirty snitch, okay?

   (Y/N): lol, just trying to make sure. I don't want to get in serious trouble on Valentine's Day.

   Tea: Don't worry. Gtg, Yami just arrived at my house. Wish me luck!

   (Y/N): Bye! Good luck girl!

     The mansion is candle lit, roses decorating the table, everything decorated with hearts.

   *Le lovely time skip brought you by Blue Eyes White Dragon*

     I take Seto's hand and lead him to his bedroom. It was time for his awaited punishment. I pin him on the bed, frantically kissing him, reaching under his shirt and feeling all the muscles and scars. I force my tongue into his mouth, both of us battling for control. I slowly rub against the in-between of his legs, causing him to moan into my mouth. I trail kisses on his neck, licking, sucking, and biting relentlessly. I also rub faster, causing more and more sexual sounds to escape his lips. Just before he believes I'm moving to a different area, I run out of the room laughing. He bolts after me, "(Y/N)! You're going to pay for this!" I cackle, making my way out into the street, "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!"

Seto Kaiba X (afab!)Reader [UNDERGOING MAJOR REWRITES]Where stories live. Discover now