Chapter Four: The Business Meeting (Weekend)

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     "(Y/N), Get dressed and ready to go! If i don't see you in that limo in thirty minutes you'll have no money for a month!" Dad yells. "Urgh! I HATE YOU DAD!" I shout angrily. "I LOVE YOU TOO!" He yells back. I hurry and put on a sapphire blue dress, to remind me of his eyes.

 I hurry and put on a sapphire blue dress, to remind me of his eyes

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      I also put on some matching high heels...

      I hop into the limo and dad is smiling, "I'm glad you didn't put up a fight

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      I hop into the limo and dad is smiling, "I'm glad you didn't put up a fight." "Yay... going to work..." I do fake jazz hands. He laughs and tells the driver to head to Kaiba Corp. We arrive and I follow dad to the work room. "Wait here (Y/N), I hadn't told the CEO you were coming, so I gotta go and tell him." He explains. "Okay, i'll be right here." I say. I hear a familiar voice in the room when i decide to eavesdrop. I crack open the door and see dad, but not the person he was talking to. One of the workers bump into me and I fall on my face, into the room. "Oh my gosh, (Y/N) are you okay?!" dad rushes over to me. "Yeah, i'm fine..." I take dad's offered hand to help me up.

      When I look up I see my greatest fear, My friend was Seto Kaiba, the CEO of Kaiba Corp. "YOU BASTARD!!!" I reacted before considering the consequences and it's where i faltered. I let all the anger and sadness about moving and loosing all of my friends well up and lash out, i punched him and did so until i had to be escorted out of the building. I had almost had my father fired, but i was the one who did it, so he gave my father mercy, but not me. I deserved it though, i was suspended from school for a month and i changed classes so he wouldn't have to see me again. As my dad's punishment, i had my money taken away for the rest of the school year.

     The month i was suspended i was alone in my room, doing my homework on my computer, reading, eating, or sometimes staring at the ceiling. Oh, did i mention i got my phone taken away as well? So a month without communication, great. An entire month getting cut off from the world, and my friends.

      I decided i needed some sun, so i went out in our 1 acre backyard (Since we were in the city, we couldn't have a 10 acre one). I dance and sung my sorrows away until i saw a blue car pull into our drive way from the side of the backyard. I rush to the front and see Seto. I try to run away, but he catches me by the shirt. "What do you want?" I try to remove his hand. "I want to talk to you, or do you want me to press charges for that little incident..." He threatens. "Fine, can you please let me go though." I point to his hand. He returns his hand to it's natural position. "Follow me," I lead him to the back of the backyard, "My dad won't see us here."

      "I wanted to ask you something." He says. "Ask away, it's not like i've got anything else to do." I get sarcastic. He glares. "What?" I ask acting innocent. He rolls his eyes, "look, you're the only one besides my brother i actually care about. I don't know why, but it's just the way it is. That day when you found out and you had to be removed from the building, i was torn apart. Physically and mentally, due to you." I wrap my arms around my knees and sink down low, "I'm sorry, i wish i had said it earlier, but i never got to. Anyways, i thought you were going to ask me something." He lifts my chin up for my eyes to meet his, "I was going to ask if you wanted to be friends again, but i know that you won't want to, since i'm the one who forced you to leave your home." His hand falls back to it's natural position and he turns away. 

     "I know, i want to be friends too... but i'm still suspended from school." I make up an excuse. "I'll unsuspend you." He smiles. My eyes widen, that was the first time i think anyone had seen him smile. "That sounds great." I return the smile. He stands up and extends his hand, "I think you'll have to go back in your house, while i speak with your father about important means." "Yep, back to house arrest." I grin.

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