Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Herm and I spent the entire night with him inside me. I wake up with the bed empty and an ache between my legs. Getting up, I get dressed and head out to the main room for coffee. Walking up to the bar, Kelly is sitting there and I see the chapel doors closed. "Everything okay?" I ask. "I don't know. They've been in there about an hour." she tells me and I nod. A little later, the guys walk out and Herm walks up to me and takes my hand and says "Let's talk." I nod and we head to the dorm.

Walking into the dorm, he sits on the bed and pulls me to straddle him. "Herm? What's wrong?" I ask. "I have to head to Charming. They need bodies down there." he tells me. "Okay. When do you leave?" I ask. "I told them I wasn't leaving without you. I don't know how long I'll be there. Lee's making sure that we have somewhere set up before we head out." he tells me. "Are you sure? I mean, I can stay here if you need me to." I tell him and he shakes his head. "You're my wife. I want you with me. I won't be able to keep my head where I need it if I know you're here and not able to make sure you're okay." he tells me and I nod. "When do we leave?" I ask. "Not for a couple of days." he tells me and I kiss him softly. "Okay baby." I say and we spend some time just kissing and being together.

It's been a couple of days and we are heading out. Herm is on his bike and I am in my car. I hug Kelly and the guys and Kelly tells me to call her when we get to Charming. We head out and start the drive to Charming, California. We drive on through and make it there in just under twelve hours before pulling onto the Teller Morrow lot. Getting off his bike, he walks to my car and when I get out, he laces his fingers with mine before walking me over to the men walking towards us. "Hey Kozik." a man says as he hugs Herm. "Who's this pretty lady?" the man asks. "Babe this is SAMCRO's pres Clay. Clay, this is my Old Lady, my wife, Shayne." Herm says proudly. "Nice to meet you sweetheart." I nod and say "Nice to meet you too." Herm leads me over to meet everyone else and when we meet Tig, he says "Little young for your old ass ain't she?" and the guys laugh a little. "Jealous Tiggy?" Herm asks and smirks. "Little bit." he says. Turning to me, Tig says "When you get tired of his old ass, I'm always available." I smile and say "Sorry Tiggy. Only one man I call Daddy but if I ever have Grampa issues, you'll be my first stop." I say and they all laugh. "You're gonna fit in just fine." Jax tells me.

We are sitting at the bar and I tell Herm. "I need to let Kelly know we made it." He nods and says "Stay on the compound." I nod and Gemma says "I'll walk out with her." Herm kisses me softly and Gemma and I walk out the door. I call Kelly and when she answers I say "We made it. Been here about forty-five minutes. Meeting everyone." I tell her. "Good. We can all relax now. We were just waiting to hear you guys made it. Get some rest and call me tomorrow." she tells me and we say our goodbyes before ending the call.

Sitting on top of one of the picnic tables, Gemma asks "How long have you and Koz been married?" I smile and say "Just got married about a week ago." I tell her. "Newlyweds. That's good baby. Congrats." she tells me and I smile. "You need anything, let me know." she adds. "Actually, there is something. I was worried about moving here because in Tacoma, we were going to NA meetings. You know of any around here?" I ask. "You're an addict?" she asks. "Recovering." I tell her. "Herm know?" she asks. "He does. He's actually my sponsor. That's how I met him. I went to a meeting after almost OD'ing. The guy I was seeing, him and his buddies would shoot me up when they wanted to rape me. Herm offered to be my sponsor. Took care of the guys that were raping me and claimed me. It was rough at first but we made it work." I tell her. "That's good baby. I'll look into some meetings around here for you. But if you need anything. I mean it. You tell me. We are all here for you." she tells me. "Thanks Gemma." I tell her.

We head back inside and after spending some time hanging with everyone, we claim a dorm to crash. "You and Gemma seem to be hitting it off." he says. "We are. I like her. She was telling me that if we need anything to let her know and I asked her about finding some meetings around here and she's going to look for us. I don't want us to stop going to meetings just because we're here." I tell him. "That's fine babe. We're going to be fine." he says. "I know I will. As long as I'm with you." I tell him and he smiles before pulling me into his arms and we both fall asleep.

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