Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

When we get back to the clubhouse, I pull him to the dorm and to the shower. Getting in, I know he needs that release so I pull him close and back myself against the shower wall. Pulling him down to kiss me, he picks me up and without a word, he enters me and starts fucking me hard and fast and I can't help losing myself to him. I find my release and he finds his right behind me. Putting his forehead against mine, still inside me, I whisper "Marry me." He kisses me softly and says "Tomorrow." I look at him and smile softly. "Tomorrow."

Getting into bed, he pulls me close and I whisper "Thank you baby." He looks at me and I say "You are the best thing to ever happen to me. Tomorrow can't get here fast enough." I tell him. "In the morning, we'll head to the courthouse and get married and I can have Happy give you my crow when we get back." he tells me. "Sounds like a plan baby. You know the guys are going to want to party after right?" I ask. "I know." he says smirking. Hovering over me, we go for another round before falling asleep.

The next morning, we head to the courthouse and get married. As we walk out, I say "I want to go to a meeting." I tell him. "Okay." he says and looks at me concerned. "We need to share with our NA family." I tell him and he smiles. Walking into the church, we head in and sit on the back row like always. He reaches over and takes my hand and when the mediator asks if anyone else would like to share, I raise my hand. Walking up to the podium, I start. "Hi. I'm Shayne and I'm an addict." I say and they all say hello back. "A lot has changed since my last share and I thought it was important to share with you all. I've been through a lot in the last couple of years. Being beaten, raped, drugged. My first time here, I honestly wanted to die. I've had a few weak moments but my sponsor has been there for me every step of the way. Even when I tried to push him away. He's been my rock. Showed me that I was worth something more than just a tool to use and toss away. I never thought I was worth anything. But he showed me different. Showed me that he loves me and wants me. So I married him." I say and look back at Koz and you see everyone else look at me shocked and then him and they all start clapping for us.

After the meeting, we head to the clubhouse and as soon as we walk in, he tells everyone "Come take a shot with us." Lee looks at us confused and we hold up our shots and so do they. "To life, family, love and making my Old Lady my wife." he says and they all look at us with big smiles on our faces. "When did this happen?" Lee asks after we all take our shots. "This morning. Went to the courthouse." Koz says. Lee hugs me and says "I'm happy for you Little One." I smile and say "Thanks Lee." Everyone congratulates us and we start to party. Happy comes out to the main room with his tattoo kit and I sit down at one of the tables. "Where?" he asks. I look at Koz and he says "Right forearm. Where everyone can see." He leans down and kisses me softly and says "I love you." I smile and say "I love you more."

After Happy finished giving me Koz's crow, he picks me up and carries me to the dorm to officially claim me as his wife. Entering me slowly, he makes love to me nice and slow until we both find our release. Laying beside me, on his back, I drape myself across his chest and place soft kisses to his bare chest. "I love you Herman." I say. "I love you too Shayne." He says and looks at me concerned. Kissing him softly, I say "I have never been happier in my life." He smiles against my lips before turning me onto my back and starts to claim me again.

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