Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

After Kris and his friends leave, Herm still holding me close, he says "Shayne, these are my brothers Lee and Lorca. Guys, this is Shayne." Herm says. "Nice to meet you sweetheart." Lee says. "You too. Thank you guys." I say softly. I feel Herm kiss the top of my head. He tilts my head up and says "I don't want you staying alone." I shake my head and say "I'll be fine." as I pull away from him. Herm runs his hand down his face and asks "Why? So he can find you again? This is twice he's found you since we met. He'll find you again and when he does, do you think he's going to be gentle with you?" I put my face in my hands and start to sob. Herm pulls me to him and just holds me. I get myself together and say "I better go. I'm sorry." I say and head for my car. "Shayne. Wait." Herm says but I keep going. He grabs my hand and stops me. "You can't leave. Please." he says and I stop but don't look at him. He turns me around and cups my face and says "Baby girl, listen to me. You can't go back to that room alone. He found you here. You think he hasn't found the room? I'm taking you to get your things and you're staying with me." He tells me. "Herm..." I start but he stops me with a kiss to the lips. "I meant what I told that fucker. You're with me now." he tells me and I just nod.

We head to the motel to get my things and my door is standing open. "Get in the car and lock your doors." he tells me and I nod my head. He takes a gun out of his kutte and it's then that I pay enough attention to see they are SONS. I watch as him and Lee go inside the motel room and Lorca is standing by my driver door. They come back out and as he walks to my door, I get out and he pulls me close. "They tossed shit around but nothing seems to be destroyed. Pack your things baby and we'll head to the clubhouse. You'll be staying with me from now on." he tells me before kissing me softly. "Thank you." I say. As I walk into the room, I hear Lee "Koz, you serious about this?" I keep packing up but focus on listening. "Yeah man. I can't get her out of my fucking head. I worry about all the time. When I'm around her, everything makes fucking sense." He tells Lee and I can't help but smile a little. But I know what will happen. He's helping me. That's all it is. He feels responsible for me. He walks in the door and asks "You about ready?" I stop what I'm doing and just stand there looking at my bag. He walks over to me and sits on the bed next to where I am standing and pulls me between his knees. "Talk to me baby girl." he says. "I heard what you told Lee." I say. "And?" he asks. "Herm, you don't mean that." I say. "Why don't I?" he asks. "You just feel responsible for me. Soon enough you'll see what Kris did and get tired of me too. Only difference is I know you won't hurt me or drug me." I tell him. Pulling me down into his lap, he kisses me softly and says "That's not it at all. I feel responsible for you, yes. But I care about you. I worry about you. I need you. Even just hearing your voice at check in makes me feel at peace. Baby, I won't ever get tired of you. I won't ever regret this. Just trust me, okay?" he asks and I nod. I take a chance and kiss him softly and he deepens the kiss. When we separate, he says "You're mine baby girl." and I just nod.

After getting my things, Lorca took care of the room, they help me put my things in my car and Herm kisses me softly and I ask "Why do they call you Koz?" He smiles and says "My last name is Kozik." he tells me and I nod. "Mine is Marshall." I tell him. Kissing me softly he says "Lee will be in front, Lorca behind you and I'll be beside you." he tells me and I nod. I get into my car and we head to the clubhouse.

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