Episode 4: The Shredder

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Tonight was one of the few rare nights where one teenager made special efforts above all others. Recruitment isn't for everyone. It's starts out simple. Anyone who has been made an outcast and wants more out of life can start out by doing a few tasks. They are especially looking for anyone who can fight, knowing any kind of martial arts would be best. The best of those would fight it out to see who could make it to the final test. Said test is random, one of the more difficult challenges is you are given 50 seconds to grab as many bells off a manikin as you can, one sound & you fail, and it has to be in the cover a smoke screen. Rookie members only have the head band, some times different colors for rank, one young teen as mentioned has produced not only the desired results but more and is now given the honor of becoming a full member, a true Foot Ninja, being given the dragon dochi.

What made this moment even more special is that their Master has a special announcement to make so the teen isn't getting his dochi from Tatsu as normal. No, it will be given by their leader with a chance to also see their Master's 2nd Karai. Everyone gathered around, the street gang members were up the upper floors. A gong was rang, and a large shadow emerged and cast on the silver stone floor. They knew Tatsu was tough man meant to be feared but...the Master was worse. Just him entering the room was enough to send a chill down everyone's spine. Even the gust of honor. They rolled out the red carpet as he step forward to his proper place, Tatsu rolled back his long cloak revealing the spike shoulder blades. The master had a helmet that looked something of a samurai design, made of powerful metal with a polished shine. Three blades one on either side and one in the middle of the helmet, and a mask guard covering his face.

The honored gust kneels in respect lowering his eyes as the Master was handed by Tatsu the mask,"Money cannot buy the honor, which you have earned tonight. You make us all proud." The new Foot Ninja rose placing his bandana on his mask and bowed in respect before joining others in his rank. The master then spoke to the gang, "Only effort, discipline, & loyalty, can one earn the right to wear the dragon dochi. You are here because the outside world rejects you. This is your family. I am your father. I want you all to become full members of the Foot." He turns around a smirks under the mask as he sees more young ones then ever. "Our family continues to grow, the City itself will become our play ground to do as we please. Rewarding ourselves and punishing anyone who stands in our way. There is a new enemy: freaks of nature who interfere with our business. You are my eyes and ears; FIND THEM! Together we will punish these... creatures. These... TURTLES!!"

The sentence sounded insane but by now the Ninja turtles had become well know by the Purple Dragons & the Foot to know that their Master, the one they call the Shredder, was never one to joke. They call him the Shredder because his powerful blades could shred everyone to pieces. Nobody messes with the Shredder, nobody interacts with the Shredder. If you address the Master you best make sure what you say is important, and you better speak clearly & to the point. Very few people have conversations with him. Namely his generals including Tatsu, Khan, Hun, and his daughter Karai.

His temper had flared when he discovered that Dr O'Neil had somehow managed to escape. Though Baxter has produced results, they take longer as his skills were geared towards Robotics. "How did O'Neil elude from two of my best trackers?" He demanded.

Jennika gulped in fear as she spoke, "I don't know how he managed to get a hold of it but there was a canister of mutagen uncounted for, perhaps he used it on himself to become something that would aid his escape." She suggested, pulling from the knowledge of the video she had kept hidden.

Karai chimed in and agreed, "That does seem plausible. He's had ample opportunity to get what he needs even under our watchful eyes. He just needed the chance to make his move."

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