Episode 1: Origins

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"Good Afternoon Ms. O'Neil. Before we begin, I understand that talking to a guidance councilor & therapist is a little troubling at first but there's nothing to be afraid of. You're probably used to hearing the negative stigmas but just to clarify nobody thinks you're crazy & should be in a padded cell. You're mental health is just as important as your physical health. It's not only okay to ask for help, it's smart."

April leans back sighing, "I know..."

"The school has asked me to talk to you about some things they're concerned about but...since this is just our first session, we can wait until you feel you're more comfortable with it." The councilor offers.

April folders her arms, "Let's just get it over with. No point in dragging it out."

"Alright, let's just take our time. Despite the circumstances, just know this is a safe & welcoming environment. The principle had mentioned you've been getting into a few fights at school which surprised them because I've been told you're really smart. He also mentioned he caught you sneaking into the laboratory where you're father used to work. What exactly were you trying to do?" He asks.

April again sighing in frustration not looking the doc in the eyes, "Trying to find the truth."

"The truth?"

April gets up fixing her brownish orange hair and looks out the window at the big city, "I've been noticing some things. Things that I think are connected. Have you noticed crime has been getting worse lately?"

The therapist simply shrugs, "We do live in New York, April. Crime is always a problem."

She shakes her head, "Not like this it hasn't. I've been hearing rumors, lots of reports of runaways lately. Kids my age or younger just up and leaving when ever there's a mild disagreement with their parents. And these crimes are unusual, loads of things are getting stolen right from under their noses. And loads of high tech companies are getting robbed. And I'm noticing kids at school are showing up with some fancy stuff that's too expensive for their families to afford. And I mean really fancy stuff.

"And you believe your father's company TCRI will be next?" The Doc asks.

April returns to her chair and shrugs, "Maybe, I know something is going on over there. I'm his daughter but they won't give me access to whatever he was researching, that might explain his disappearance."

Therapist gave a light chuckle, "You're a 16 year old girl April. And they can't exactly give classified information away like that. If I may be so bold to ask, do you feel that looking for answers helps you cope?"

April tilts her head, "Huh?"

The therapist looks over his notes, "According to your teachers you've made claims about wanting to be a reporter or detective & I understand that recently you've been dealing with a lot lately. Especially since you're father has been declared...

"Missing." April finishes correcting him, "He's alive, & I have a feeling TCRI knows it."

The councilor was rather surprised at her very serious tone, "Perhaps, but if I may also offer an alternative, could it be that you are simply blaming TCRI for your Father's...absence & you feel as though that because you don't know what he was working on, you're lacking closure?"

"Maybe." She replied rather coldly.

"I imagine this must also be a lot of pressure since you and your sister Robyn are on your own now. So you probably also feel like you owe it to her to give her closure too." He suggested.

"Yeah..." They aren't entirely alone. Robyn has been spending time with their Uncle Augustus. He's probably one of the few people who believes that her father is still alive. Augustus was always into adventure and artifacts, he didn't trust big corporations in general but TCRI was something he especially tried to warn April's father Kirby O'Neil about. So he's not exactly punishing April for her trouble making, he believes that she'll have a much better chance than he will because she's young and can sneak by.

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