Chapter 6

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After Lunch Gene, Jake, and I all pile into his car as we head back to the dorms.

I close my eyes and rest my head against the window as Jake drives.

"Luna?, are you okay?" Gene asks, causing me to open my eyes.

"Yea, I'm just a little tired from last night" I say smiling.

"Do you still wanna come tonight?" Gene asks, looking concerned.

"Of course I still wanna come party with my new best" I say smiling as Gene's face lights up.

"Awe, I love you" Gene says smiling happily.

"I love you too" I say smiling as we pull onto the campus.

"Let's get hot!" Gene says excitedly as I climb out of Jake's car.

"I'll be back in an hour to get you two" Jake says as Gene grabs my hand.

"Okayy!" Gene says, pulling along with her to the building.

We go in and go to the elevator waiting as the door opens and we go in waiting as it carries us to the second floor. The door opens and I follow Gene to our room as she unlocks the door and we go in.

"I think I'm gonna wear my hot pink ripped dress tonight,what are you wearing?" Gene asks, turning her attention to me as I stand in front of my closet.

"I actually don't know" I say running my hand over the fabrics in my closet until my hand lands on my black leather dress.

"I think I'm gonna wear this" I say pulling it out of my closet showing it to Gene.

"Love, can I borrow it sometime?" Gene asks, putting her dress on.

"Sure" I say smiling as I take off the sweatpants and shirt I was wearing and put on the dress I picked out.

I sit down on the floor in front of the body mirror pulling out the things I need to do my hair and makeup.

I put on my normal makeup routine with an eyelook to match my dress along with some  falsies. I then take my curling iron putting loose curls in my hair before spraying them standing up. I slip on my black pumps before looking at myself in the mirror.

There were bruises on my legs and upper thigh, but other than that I was proud of my appearance.

"Knock Knock ladies" I hear Jake yell from the other side of the door.

"I'll get it." Gene says, grabbing her purse off the bed as I do a quick spray of perfume before grabbing my phone.

"Well don't you look beautiful" Ethan says looking at me from the doorway causing me to smile.

"Thanks!" I say, walking over to them taking his hand as Gene shuts the door and we head out.

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