Chapter 4

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"Jesse did this to you" Dakota said through gritted teeth as he tries to get past me

"Stop it, I don't want to cause a scene" I say trying to keep him from opening the door.

"This right here is why I didn't want you doing that dare" Dakota says running his hands through his hair.

"I'm sorry... I should have listened to you" I say looking down.

I feel his hand go under my chin lifting up so that I am staring at him. It moves to the side of my face cupping it as I get lost in his blue eyes.

"It's okay, I'm sorry for being mean to you... and i'm sorry this happens to you" He says pulling me into a hug as I feel the latex of

Gene's dress he's wearing.

"Maybe you should change" I say giggling as we pull anyway.

"Good idea, then you can tell me what all happened with Jesse" he says walking over to his dresser.

He slips on a pair of sweatpants like the ones I am wearing and then slips the dress off, tossing it on the floor. He then grabs a white shirt out one of the drawers slipping it over his head. I stare at him as his tattoos show through the white material in the light.

"Okay, come here" Dakota says laying back on his bed.

I smile walking to the other side on the bed sitting on the bed next to him.

"So what all happened?" Dakota says, turning on his side to look at me giving me his full attention.

"He... he dragged me out the house as I begged him to let go of me and before I knew it I was surrounded by him and a group of guys I think about four besides him and then he began to rape me" I say feeling my tears run down my face.

"They raped you," Dakota says as his voice comes out in a growl again.

"Dakota , don't my dad and his friends used to do it to me too it's.... Okay...." I say looking down as more tears go down my face.

"No it's not okay, you shouldn't be put through this" Dakota says pulling me down into his arms.

I smile as I'm engulfed in a scent that I am not quite familiar with, but I could get used to as I feel his arms held tightly around me. I want to cry because I know he's right, I know that it's not okay, but I just want to pretend it is. I feel safe in his arms, but I don't understand why.

Why is this blue eyed dark haired boy covered in tattoos who said I was ugly earlier be holding me trying to comfort me right now. The thoughts run through my head like a wildfire as he slowly lossens his embrace.

"Stay here with me for the rest of the night?" He says coming out more as a demand than a question.

I smile and nod as a smile spreads across his face revealing his dimples. It's the first time I have ever really seen him smile. He lifts his covers up, sliding his body under them as he holds them up for me. I smile sliding under the covers next to him as he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me into his chest. I close my eyes as he holds me close as I hear the beating of his heart through his chest.

"I won't let anyone hurt you ever again" Dakota says as I drift into my dream of a blue eyed, dark haired, tattooed boy.

I wake up from my nap and walk down the hall to the kitchen. It's 5pm and my dad has all his friends over. I quietly walk past the living room where they are to the kitchen to get a drink, but I get noticed.

"Where are you going" My dad's best friend, Michael says as he grabs my butt.

"T-to get something to drink" I say, shivering as the group looks over at me.

"Those shorts look real good on you" Dave says from the couch beside my dad.

I ignore him going to the fridge getting a drink.

"We are gonna have to teach you some respect" Michael says slapping me in the face before throwing me over his shoulder going into the spare room throwing me on the bed.

They tie me down to the bed restraining my arms and legs. They rip my stretch shorts off me along with my tank top.

"Let's get those off you." Michael says, grabbing the scissors from the dresser drawer walking over to me.

"Stop it, let her go" I hear someone say.

I look over to see Dakota standing in the doorway. My dad runs over to him as they break into a fight. I scream telling them to stop, but no one listens and before I know it Michael stabs Dakota in the side with the scissor I scream and start to cry before it starts to fade away.

"Luna wake up, its okay"

I opened my eyes to see Dakota above me with his hands on my shoulders.

"It's okay, I'm right here" He says I cry into his chest as he lays down next to me.

He rubs his hand up and down my back as I close my eyes, getting lost in the beat of his heart before falling back to sleep.

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