Chapter 12: Problems

Start from the beginning

"Yes." I deadpanned. He then started mumbling. I finished my food and placed it in the sink quickly rinsing it off. I grabbed my school bag from next to the chair and walked out of the kitchen to the front door. Just before I took my first step out of the house I felt something soft peck my cheek, I turned around and looked down to find my mom holding up a peace sign and grinning goofily. Instead of yelling at her like usual I nodded my head towards her and walked down the path to the gate. I heard her gasp from behind me.

I watched Kakyoin as he walked towards me with a smirk on his face.

"Woah, someone looks happy! What happened?" Kakyoin's eyes shone with curiosity.

"Nothing, you're probably seeing things." I shrugged. I could feel myself smiling slightly ever since I left the house. It's nice to see my mom happy like that I guess.

***Time skip brought to you by happy Holly***

     I walked up the stairs headed to the roof like usual, I haven't been able to stop thinking about the lesson for today. My legs and feet still hurt, but not as extreme as before. I opened the door and watch as Kakyoin turns to look at me. However his bento hasn't been opened yet which is unusual. I walk towards Kakyoin and sit against the fence so I'm across from him, he's staring at me expectantly but I don't know why. I place my bento in front of me and I watch as his eyes dart to it. Before I can open the bento I watch as one of Hierophant Green's tentacles hits my hand.

"Ow what the fu-" I look at Kakyoin's face angrily only to see his look of surprise and... disappointment. What the hell, did I do something wrong?

"Jotaro by any chance did you forget our deal?" Kakyoin talked slowly. What deal? I don't remembering making any deal.

"What are you talking about?" I said clearly confused.

"How have you forgotten already! We agreed that we would swap lunches as payment for all my efforts!" Disappointment was clear in his voice.

"Oh, that deal." I sighed in defeat.

"Yeah that deal, now hand it over!" Kakyoin demanded. Is this how the kids who get lunch money stolen from them feel? I slid my bento over to a Kakyoin and he slid his over to me along with a box. "I almost forgot to give you your load of letters for today, well enjoy!"

After we finished eating Kakyoin started the lesson.

"Since our lunches are pretty short I've decided we'll use them as a sort of recap session, and I'll leave the hard stuff for after school." He explained. I nodded my head to show my understanding. "Alright now to start I want you to demonstrate what we did in yesterday's lesson with Star Platinum." Easy.

I called out Star Platinum and we got into the starting stance. Both of our backs were straight, our hands were in the correct positions and had a good grip, and we were maintaining eye contact.

"Wow I have to say I'm impressed Jotaro, you took my advice and practiced when I left." Kakyoin sounded slightly surprised and he shot me a little grin. "Now let's see if that practice payed off."

"Oh, I'm sure it did." I replied my voice lowering an octave for effect, for a second I thought I saw Kakyoin's face go completely red but I wrote it off as the sun. Star and I began to take steps back and forth just like we had practiced multiple times the day before. We continued this for about two minutes until I felt tentacles wrap around my entire body.

"You did good Jotaro, you were able to maintain proper posture while dancing without getting sloppy, now I want you to do that with me." Kakyoin gave me a devilish smile and there was something in his eyes that I couldn't pinpoint. Kakyoin released Hierophant's tentacles as he got close to me. We both got into position. I got the privilege of holding his smooth and warm hands again. I felt heat rise up to my face as I gripped his slim waist and I could feel the top of his curvy hips when I rested my hand there. Feeling his touch on my shoulder gave me a sensation like no other. His gaze made me feel vulnerable like he was seeing right into my very should. Except I didn't dislike it like you would think one should. "You can move." The way the words came out of his mouth sounded so sensual and hot that my mind became a blur. My thoughts went spiralling downwards as I began thinking impure thoughts. Heat coursed through my body, however I was sent into a panic when the heat became the most intense in my...pants. What the fuck! Calm down, he can't see your pants because he's looking into your eyes. I gulped.

     Slowly I started leading Kakyoin as we stepped back and forth, the bell had now rung and my problem still hadn't subsided. I quickly adjusted my pants when Kakyoin wasn't looking then grabbed all of my things, and strategically placed them in front of my crotch.

"Jotaro why are you in such a hurry, and why are you holding your stuff like that?" Kakyoin gave me a concerned look as he scanned my body up and down.

"It's nothing don't worry about it." I answered avoiding eye contact.

"Here, if you're having a hard time carrying all that stuff I'll help you." Kakyoin started walking towards me and right as he went to grab the bag that was in my hand I did something I'd regret.

"No stop it, I'm fine! Just mind your own damn business I don't need your help!" I bellowed. Kakyoin flinched and immediately reeled his hand back. I didn't get a good look at his face but his eyes looked glazed over and his bottom lip trembled a bit.

"I'm sorry Jotaro I didn't mean to bother you." He quickly bowed than shoved past me. I fucked up. I was so focused on hiding this stupid fucking boner and became careless. I'll apologize to Kakyoin after school, but right now I need to deal with this. I hastily made my way down the stairs to the bathrooms.


1811 words


Some shit went down in this chapter, poor Nori he didn't mean to upset horny joot. Next week I have a surprise for you guys so expect something different.

P.S sorry if anyone was reading this over your shoulder when the boner part came up-


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