The sand rumbled under his feet as the Worm came from below.

"That's it Wormy! Follow the Skeleton!" Searcher yelled as he took a Shortcut to stay ahead of the Worm, heading towards the wall.

The Worm followed, it's mind was much simpler then the True Guardian of the Earth Temple.

Searcher laughed as he reached the wall, turning around and banging the end of his scythe against the ground.

He could hear the Worm jumping towards him and he moved out of the way of it's path.

There was a thump as the Worm met the wall, it crumbled and it turned back into white sand, and to the farthest north of the room, a brazier erupted with flames that was the color of the Earth Temple's sand.

Searcher looked north when he saw the flame with the color of the sand from the Earth Temple, it actually made it a little bit easier for him to see, but it wouldn't be of any use to him.

Everything was still covered in darkness. He jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Ahhh!"

Reaper laughed before he hugged his son. "Did you fight that creature in Underdesert Gothy?"

"Yeah, you found it's remains, didn't you, Dad? And the Temple, and that was when you was taken, right?"

"Yeah... Just be careful Baby Bones. I did find a lot of your marrow and your Magic there."

"I'll be fine Dad, just go and find somewhere safe, and don't interfere with this. This is something that I have to do."

Reaper nodded his head, before he floated over to the lit brazier. It seemed to be the safest place in the room.

“The edge of the light has returned, but is it enough?”

Reaper yelped and he had to move as the second False Guardian used him as a launchpad, with the light briefly outlining the humanoid lizard from the Forest Temple.

"Oh come on, I have to fight the Guardians from Shades's Temples too?!" Searcher yelled, even as he made sure that there was a bit of a distance between him and this Guardian.

"All is a cycle."

The False Forest Guardian slashed acid towards Searcher.

"All of the Temples must be cleared before the light can be opened."

Searcher summoned skulls to act as shields from the acid, hiding behind them, even as he mentally went over what he remembered of this Guardian.

The False Guardian laughed, with it's claws clicking as it jumped and it used the walls as a jump point to come at him from another angle.

Searcher used the sounds that he heard as a way of locating the Guardian, he swiftly turned around and he summoned a Gaster Blaster, firing it.

He watched as the first Guardian that Shades faced turned into the white sand that lined the floors of this Temple.

In the far south of the room, a single brazier came to life, with flames that were the bright emerald and the forest green of the trees above the Forest Temple from Shades's half of their Split Multiverse.

He could see those flames coming from the south of the room, and if he was right, then he would have to face copies of the ice and the fire Guardians as well.

He wasn't tired, not yet, he couldn't give up, but he was worried about the Guardian of the Light Temple, he would have to face him too, right?

And if Shades had a third Temple, he would have to face a copy of that Guardian too....

Child of Death, Destroyer of WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now