From the Author

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Hello, I hope you're all well. ❤

'An Affair in London' was published in orint by Bookware (for My Special Valentine) back in 2013. This is part of their Romancing the Globe imprint -- where each story literally takes you to different places around the world. This is my first ever story set in a foreign country.

Since you're reading this, I assume you did not judge this story by its teaser. 😁 Nope, wala pong magaganap na adultery sa kwentong ito. It is rather complicated, though. I cannot simply capture it in a few words or sentences. But I hope you'd stick through this journey. I am not making any promises but hey, we're going to explore London through Macy and Quillian! 😍  Even if you may not like how the story goes, at least you'll have a glimpse of one of the most fascinating cities in the world. ❤

I will uodate daily. 💕

I am also keeping the original nickname of the heroine. It was actually Macy, pero ginawang Marcie sa published version dahil may recent previous release that time na Macy ang nickname. 😁

Anyway, here goes one of my  favorites sa mga naisulat ko. 😇 Happy reading! ❤


An Affair in London Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon