{•One Last Chance >3<•}

1.7K 59 58

-Evil X & Almost Everyone
- NPG & Evil X

>>Content/Trigger Warnings:
-Xisuma is a bit of an asshole in this chapter
-Hurt/No Comfort

>>Word Count: 1.7k

>>Other Information will be at the end of the chapter this time too<<


Things were going well.

Almost too well.

Grian had gotten Ex settled into a small rustic house with his lookalike; NPG, who Ex started calling Rusty. The two got along better than originally expected and Ex began to prepare to talk to the other hermits, NPG was encouraging him along the way.

It was a painfully slow process, but he was slowly beginning to redeem himself and be-friend the others. Cleo, Scar, and False were the easiest, they were straight away willing to give him a second chance, along with Ren and Keralis.

Bdubs was a bit nervous about it but was pretty quickly adjusted to the other, Etho and Joe were also a lot easier to convince then expected; Ex wasn't complaining though.

Cub, Mumbo, and Iskall were the hardest to at least talk to, the three wanted nothing to do with the scarred male.

Mumbo was begged by Grian to give Ex a chance, so Mumbo hesitantly interacted with the male more. The two clicked after a while; since Ex had no clue how to do redstone and the topic of it was quite intriguing to him. So he'd come around just to watch the man work his magic with the red dust and the other components, and Mumbo became used to his company

Ex planned on leaving Cub for last and turned his attention to Iskall after he redeemed himself as much as he could for now with Mumbo.

So here he was, making his way through the nether to reach the enby's portal as the server communicator buzzed. Tango had gotten his hands on an extra one for the male.

[Stress has been slain by a Piglin]

[Stress: Dangit!!]

Ex was quick to reply, shooting a message in the chat to the female.

[Evil Xisuma: Do you have the coords of where ya died?]

[Evil Xisuma: I'm in the nether after all.]

He watched the communicator and stopped walking, waiting for Stress to respond, eventually she messaged him the coordinates and Ex adjusted his elytra before heading off in the direction she gave in.

The red cladded male skidded to a halt and stumbled slightly as he fell over the line dividing the two sections of the nether, loud stampeding sounds of the piglin running against the netherrack filled his ears and for a moment he was expecting to also be killed as Stress had been.

Instead, he was surprised to be lifted up back onto his feet by the short mobs, they all oinked as a few of them circled him, looking Ex up and down before the group of them backed away.

"Uh.." Ex trailed off, at a loss of words because they didn't attack him. "Thank you.?" He muttered, stepping back from the crowd only to have a sword pressed to his back.

He paused, nervously standing still as one grunted and began heading deeper into their territory. The sword against his back nudged him forward and he found himself following the group, anxiety building up as he glanced around the area, breath catching in his throat as a piglin that was /way/ too tall to be normal came into view beyond the broken walls of the piglin's fortress.

{DISCONTINUED}[•Hermitcraft Oneshots•]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora