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One second I was having a drinking contest with Cana and the next I was being led out of the guild by Gray. His hand was comfortably wrapped around my wrist and we walked outside the guild. I was confused, but one thing I have learned about Gray is to trust him.

I could feel the slight heat on my cheeks as he protected me from the crowd of Magnolia. He was leading me through the crowd and I couldn't help but ask him.

" Gray. what's going on" I asked, my voice held slight amusement for the situation that I am in.

" Wait a few more seconds Juvia" he called looking back at me with a small smirk.

I literally had no choice but to wait until he stopped at the edge of the forest.

I was about to speak up when I was interrupted by Gray's lips on mine. As if by memory my eyes closed and I kissed him back. My arms found their way around his neck and his were placed at my waist. The kiss ended and my forehead was placed against his.

" Juvia, I told you to wait, but I don't think I can any more," He told me, his voice barely above a whisper. All I could do was look into his deep eyes and press my lips against his. With every touch, I could feel sparks go up and down my spine. The hand that was placed on my waist tightened as if letting me go would be the end of the world.

" Gray loves you Juvia-sama," he said imitating me and I smiled.

" Juvia-sama loves you too Gray" I replied and he kissed me a third time. This time the kiss lasted what seemed to be days. One of his hands brushed against my face cupping my cheek. I ran my finger through his hair and stood on the tips of my feet in order to kiss him again.

When we separated the world seemed to melt and I could only see Gray. Just like the day I met him, my eyes could only see the shining star that lit my path. He was smiling and his eyes never left mine.

He let out a deep chuckle that made me blush. Amusement and happiness were clear in his eyes, a look that mirrored my own.

One word can describe my thoughts right now.


( Lucy P.O.V)

The party was over and Juvia came back. She was holding Gray's arm while he was holding her waist. My eyes widened and she sent me a shy smile. Glee was evident in her eyes and I grinned. Finally...Finally. I could only watch as Mira fainted and Erza...well she was more excited than Mira. Everyone gave the new couple space, but I made sure to send Juvia a look demanding an explanation.

I was about to leave the guild when a familiar voice called out my name.

" Luce," Natsu said, running up to catch up to me.

" Hey Natsu, do you need something?" I asked him and he grinned.

" Let me walk you home Luce" He states and I fight back a blush.

" Sure Natsu" I reply shyly remembering how those were his words on our first date in the last timeline. He instantly yanks me off my feet and carries me off bridal style in the direction of my apartment. Note to self, I've never liked walking, from now on he is to do the walking.

For a while, we are just talking about what happened during my "mission".

" Hey Luce" Natsu stops and I turn towards him.

" Yeah Natsu" I reply and he instantly pierces me with a fiery gaze.

" What's your relationship with that Sabertooth mage." He asks and I look at him weirdly.

" Which one" I answer and Natsu growls. Ooops I think he took that the wrong way...

" Sting" He spits out and I look at him shocked. He loved Sting in our timeline. What's wrong with him now?

" He's my brother" I answered stiffly, not liking where this is going. Natsu looks up at me as relief and shock enter his features.

" Good" He answers and I look at him confused.

" Goo-" I start but Natsu stops me by placing his lips on mine. Time stops and my eyes widen before I melt into the kiss.

" Because you're mine" He finishes and I blush red. I can't move. I just look at Natsu in embarrassment and shock.

"I like you, Lucy, a lot and when I saw you with Sting I saw red. I wanted to rip his head right of his shoulders and throw it to the wolves, then I would slice hi-" He began and I stopped him with another kiss. He looks at me in disbelief before kissing back.

" Baka" I whisper and he laughs. His arms rested on my sides as mine were on his chest.

" I'm yours," I say and Natsu literally smirks. I blush 50 shades of red as he carried me to the door of my apartment.

" See you tomorrow Luce" He states while kissing me on the cheek leaving me at the door of my apartment wondering what just happened.

I open the door of my apartment to be greeted by a smirking Juvia.

" Today's been a good day" She states and I can only nod, my mind wondering to Natsu's smirk.

Juvia fake coughs making my look away and we have a classic girls night when Erza shows up demanding an explanation. A VERY LONG explanation...sigh...

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