chapter 8 back in Crocus

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 We emerge from the portal to see Crocus standing tall before us. We go to the inn that is supposed to belong to Fairy Tail to find out that...

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE'RE A WEEK EARLY YOU B***H!!!" Wow, ok. Calm down Juvia. 

"Miss, would you like to rent it for your guild?" The clerk mumbled in fear

" Well, what do you think you little-"

" What she means to say is yes thank you very much kind lady" I interrupt

The clerk finished giving us 5 keys for the rest of the teams and was now in the staff room and had yet to come out. 

I drag Juvia to our room before she traumatizes the poor clerk, or at least traumatizes her too much... Know what? I might as well give up on that clerk, Juvia broke her.

Their floor's layout:

For a while, Juvia was glaring at the floor and I was laying on the couch

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For a while, Juvia was glaring at the floor and I was laying on the couch. I stood up and sighed.

" Look Juvia I can't sit still any longer so are you coming with me to explore Crocus or are you staying here glaring a hole into the floor" I state with one of my eyebrows raised. I see Juvia pout and stand up.

"Let's go" She states with a bounce and is literally skipping into the hall.

I let out a sigh and a smile. Let get going. We pass the clerks desk only to see someone new there...

We explore Crocus until the sun is down. While we mostly went to cafes I think we got plenty of experiences in Crocus for today.

We met up with blue pegasus who tried flirting with me until Juvia literally tackled them to the ground. She then threatened something that should never be threatened to a man and left with an innocent smile on her face...

Then Lyon came to put his hand on Juvia's waist and was sent flying by my fist along with Juvia's.

I see a mess of spiky blond hair in the distance and Stop.

" Lucy whats wro-" Juvia tried to ask, but I was already flying towards the tuft of blond hair.

" Sting Bee!" I yell throwing myself onto my pseudo brother. I am instantly readjusted onto his back and he looks at me with a smile.

" Lu you're alive!" he yells back to me and twirls me around. I laugh and jump off of him with one last head rub. I look towards the front only to see the rest of Sting's team...Sh*t I forgot they were here. Rogue looks like he rather be anywhere but here, but he was sort of smiling so... Yukino and Rufus were looking at us with blatant disbelief. I took this as an opportunity to look at Yukino's keys and nearly sighed in relief when I saw that she still had them. Minerva was looking at me with disgust. I forgot that she isn't the nicest this time around. Orga was just looking at me with mild curiosity and their guild master was assessing me.

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