chapter nine: the teams back

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3 days later

I wake up to hear banging on the door. OK, Can't a girl get some sleep? I look at the clock and growl. It is literally four in the morning. What type of person is awake at this time. I get a flashback to Celeste who woke my up at three in the morning for a girl's day. Never in my life did I fighting her in the morning so satisfying

Me and Juvia get dressed and I walk out...

"Okay Sting not funny do you really want to die cause I could..." I look up and trail off as I see Natsu and Gray's confused and shocked faces. SH*T. I flash of something I can't reconsize flashes through Natsu's eyes and when I open my mouth to explain Juvia calls out.

"Hey, Lu-chan is Rogue with Sting this time I don't want to deal with you two by myself!" Her head pops out of the door seeing Gray only to pale and walk away sulking.

"I embarrassed myself in front of Gray.." She mumbled over and over until she got to her corner of darkness and went paranoid...


"Lucy, why are you allowing people to stand in front of our room, they are not worthy!" I hear Juvia state

from her corner of depression. I laugh until...

Suddenly I feel a ton of killing intent from behind me and turn around to see...

"Erza... How nice seeing you here...I was talking about the guys by the way" The killing intent weakened as she smiled at me but stalked towards the boys banging their heads together, therefore, knocking them out.

" Now girls who are these guys who you are allowing to pick you up," she said devil horns and a tail sprouting from nowhere. Juvia and I look at another confused until we get what she is trying to say and shake our heads rapidly.

" No, no Stings Like a brother to me," I said at the same time Juvia screamed.

" No, I like Gray". At this Erza nodded and smiled.

She stepped up and dragged Gray and Natsu throwing them onto the couch and sitting down at the table waving us forward to sit with her.

Erza smiles as we sat down and pulled out five cakes and Gave Juvs and me a slice.

" I heard that you two came a week earlier," Erza said stabbing her cake. I flinch. 

" Yes, Crocus if very beautiful" I state with a smile as Juvia got some drinks.

" Yes, I can see that. I can also see that you two have changed quite a bit" She said nodding and then pointing at our outfits with a smirk. We used these outfits in the war and for the week we have been back. I look at Erza and slightly freeze. She has a smirk on her face as she looks at us with a glare. As Juvia was about to respond Erza sent a smile our way.

" I don't want to know how or why" She continues and my eyebrows skyrocket and I relax slightly. I see Juvia relax her hand and nod towards Erza.

" All I need to know is if it was for the better or the worse" She finishes and my first response is for the better, but I falter. Gone are the girls who looked at the world with starry eyes and in her place is a killer, but at the same time, I got a stronger appreciation for my guild and learned what it means to truly be a family. I look towards Juvia to see her eyebrows furrowed. I internally sigh and straighten my back.

" I cannot tell if it were better or worse, but I can tell you that while I have changed my love for the guild will never falter," I say and Juvia looks at me with a pride-filled glance.

I look at Erza who looked shocked. In an instant that looked turned into one of pride and happiness. Her lips spread into a small, but strong smile and she nodded her head.

" That was... the perfect answer" She stated and Juvia nodded along with her. I felt heat rush to my cheeks and I look away. Ezra laughs and stood up. I watched her as she crouched in front of me. She then gave me soft hug, that wasn't unlike her armor smashes, but softer and more encouraging.

" Do you feel the same way?" Erza asks a smiling Juvia. Juvia entered deep thought but then smiled and nodded.

" I do," she said resolve clear in her voice. Erza walked up to her and gave her the hug that she gave me.

" Make sure to take care," She said turning to look at us and we look at her confused.

" Every gem has a breaking point, now that you have grown enough to be considered a gem you run the risk of breaking. Unless of course, my intuition is right." She said and gave us one last look unlike any other. Her eyes were a pool of emotion in contrast to her normal blank ones. She closed the door of her room and Juvia and I share a look. Those eyes...they shouldn't be on her in this timeline...

" Wait what does she mean by intuition" Juvia states and I shake my head.

" It's Erza" I simply state and Juvia lets out a dry chuckle.

" Right" She states with a nod and we both head to our rooms to think about what she said and what I said.

I let out a quiet groan. I feel as if I have aged 10 years in the last ten minutes. And that is coming from someone who has literally come from ten years in the future. I change and go to the kitchen to get a glass of water before going back to sleep. It was too early for this conversation anyways. I notice that Natsu and Gray are still knocked out and my eyes narrow. She planned this conversation from the beginning. I walk into my room and close my eyes one thought crossing my mind as I enter dreamland.

What does it mean to break?

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