35- Shopping

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"I can't believe the death eaters killed so many muggles- and on Christmas." Mrs Weasley gasped, as she read the daily prophet.

"It's Voldemort's sick idea of kindness." Hissed Tonks from the wall.

"This is so wrong." Sighed Mr Weasley.

The children listened quietly to the extendible ears, that dangled down the stairs. All clothed in pyjamas, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny sat on the third floor as the adults discussed the most recent attack.

"Gin- you know the Malfoys are involved." Said Hermione.

"But he is not." Ginny lied, before marching up to her room.

"Right kids. You go back to school tomorrow, so we need to get you some new robes." Said Molly, as she and the kids walked through Diagon Alley.

"Can we visit the twins?" Asked Ron, as Molly made a beeline to Flourish and Blotts.

"As long as we get all of your school things first." Molly answered, ushering the kids along.

They entered the busy shop, side stepping all the other customers, as they walked through the stacks of shelves. Picking up all the essentials, the four children made their way to the back of the line to the till.

"Malfoy. I thought I could hear a snake slithering around." Sneered Harry, as the family all looked to the door, as Narcissa and Draco Malfoy stepped into the shop.

Ginny watched him, longingly, as he walked into the store, his mother hot on his heels. Ginny immediately noticed his hollow cheeks and bagging eyes. The usual spark in them had dulled, and Ginny's heart broke to see him so defeated. She tiptoed to watch his figure disappear behind a thick shelve of books, sighing as he vanished.

"Listen Harry," she snapped, quietly, getting in his face, "stop. Your pathetic rivalry is starting to get on my nerves. You dare start something, I will kill you."

Startled, Harry nodded, as Hermione and Ron snickered.

They stepped up to the till as it became their turn to buy their books. Ginny lay her books on the counter, while her head turned from side to side, her eyes searching for her blonde.

"Ginny." Whispered a voice from her left.

Reluctantly drawing her eyes away from the search, she faced Hermione, looking worriedly at her friend. Pulling her away from Mrs Weasley and the boys to a empty cabinet near the door.

"Gin, you need to stop. I get it- you know him differently to me and the boys, but you need to make sure no one knows of your relationship. Voldemort is back- you need to remember who you are." Hermione whispered, harshly.

"And who am I?" Ginny spat.

"A Weasley. The Malfoys worst enemy. Gin- it's too dangerous."

"And what if I like danger?" Ginny spoke, loudly, drawing some attention to them.

By now, Mrs Weasley had just finished exchanging the money to buy their books, and was picking them up, turning to leave.

"Does your family?" Hermione questioned, making Ginny go silent.

The bushy haired girl left to help Mrs Weasley carry their books, while Ginny stayed frozen on the spot. Was her relationship with Draco going to get her family killed? Her family meant everything to her- but so did Draco.

A soft hand on her shoulder brought her out of her daze, as she turned round to see a smiling blonde haired woman.

"I think your mother is calling you." She said, nodding to an impatient looking Molly, waiting at the shop door.

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