6- The New Chaser

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It had been a week since Ginny had been moved and surprisingly, she was loving it!

She was even more confident in herself and became much more determined and ambitious. She found herself enjoying the company of her fellow Slytherins, and even found some new friends. She loved the conversations she had with them- possibly even more so than with the griffindors- and enjoyed their company.

This morning, Ginny woke up energised and ready to face the new challenges of the day. She was brushing her hair as Pansy walked in.

"Happy?" The dark haired girl asked.

"Yeah, for some weird reason. I feel like today will be a good day, you know?" Ginny answered, putting her brush down, and standing up from her vanity table. Her new room was much more luxurious than her old one in Griffindor, and at first she was intimidated by it, but now it was growing on her.

"Yeah, I wonder why." Snickered Pansy, for she knew what was going to happen today.

"Humoured?" Questioned Ginny, confused as to why her friend was amused.

At that Pansy just shook her head and left the dorm, as Ginny followed.

They walked side by side to the great hall, chattering all the way. In the halls they passed a few other students- many of whom gave disappointed glares- but continued on their way to the food.

They reached their seats, next to Draco and Blaise, and began to eat.

"So, red." Draco said, grabbing her attention, "Would you like to join the Slytherin quidditch team?"

The whole green table sat in suspense. All the Slytherin quidditch players leaned in, anticipating her answer. She was a world class seeker- one of the best chasers in the history of Hogwarts- having her on their team would secure their 1st place.

"Me? Wouldn't that be cheating?" She asked- excited to play again, but scared if she would be betraying her old house.

"No. Your a Slytherin now- your loyalty lies with us." Said Blaise, praying she'd agree.

"I suppose..." she agreed, "oh! I could tell you all the set ups Griffindor does! We'd define win!" She exclaimed, excited to win the house cup. Although she loved her old team and they'd probably hate her after this, it was only a game and she knew it'd make the sport more fun- or maybe it would be her winning?

Every Slytherin broke into a fit of smiles and excited talk about quidditch. Draco threw his arm over her shoulder and gave her a big side hug.

"Yes! You know I'll be your captain." He said releasing her, giving her a teasing smirk.

"Not if I have anything to do with it." She fired back, excited to take his place, even though she knew she could never be as good of a captain as Draco.

"Looking forward to working with you." He stuck his hand out and she shook it, each feeling small electric sparks from the contact.

"Come on then! Practice starts soon!" Yelled Theo, who gobbled down his breakfast and headed out to the field. The Slytherins were all dressed in their robes- except Ginny.

"Don't worry, your quidditch gear magically changed to our house after you took the scroll. I'll walk you up to the dorm to change." Said Pansy, grabbing Ginny's hand.

After getting changed, Ginny and Pansy walked to the field, Ginny's new green quidditch robes floating behind with every stride. Though she wouldn't admit it, the colour green was growing on her, it matched her hair perfectly.

As they reached the pitch, Pansy said a quick good luck and walked to the stands, leaving Ginny to admire the players practice in the sky.

The beaters were firing bloggers in all directions, the chasers were dodging them expertly. Some players were zooming around the posts, while others were practicing passing the quaffle amongst themselves. The keeper sat proud in front of the three hoops, while chasers would launch quaffles into them.

Destiny- DrinnyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora