33- Plans for Christmas

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Draco sat at the long pristine black table, and observed his reflection on the polished surface.
His pale face had rough worry lines on his forehead, while he had begun to grow heavy bags under his eyes. His bright, proud smile had vanished she'd, replaced by a small, grim line of his lips.

To say he looked better was an understatement.

Besides him, his father sat, his neatly combed hair resting in his shoulders. He wore a focused brow, as he fiddled with the prominent rings on his fingers. Besides him, his mother sat, her checks hollow and her usual finesse was repressed.

To her left, Bellatrix, her sister sat, her wild scraggly locks sticking out on end, brushing the side of Narcissa's face. It was clear she never brushed it- not her teeth for that matter- for when she smiled, as the Dark Lord strode in, you could see the black decay itching away at them.

"My servants." The man spoke, as he walked up to his seat, Nadini- his fat snake- following his bare feet.

The whole room chorused in 'My Lord.' As he sat down, looking as though he thought he was the only important person on Earth.

"Christmas is coming up. The celebration of the muggles God's child's death." He chuckled, a few of his followers snickering along with him, "I think we ought to give them a small... present. Don't you think?" He asked, sneering, causing a few of his followers to smile, evilly.

"What do you plan on doing, My Lord?" Asked Bellatrix, leaning her elbows on the table.

"A little visit should do well." He sneered. "Show then exactly what their precious 'saviour' went through."

The group nodded, agreeing with his words, while Draco sat, impatient for this meeting to end.

They discussed other dark topics, till the end of the meeting, Draco cringing at every cruel torture they had planned- one even said by his father, though Draco could tell he didn't like saying those words.

Once the pale wizard excused his cloaked minions, Draco headed to his room, his mother hot on his heels, while his father walked steadily behind her.

After Draco entered his room, Narcissa was next to him in seconds, Lucius at the door as his wife hugged their son.

"Your mother tells me you are tampering with the Weasley girl." He spoke, once the door was securely closed.

"Im not tampering with her." He growled, as Narcissa let go of him.

"Just make sure they don't know. Especially your aunt." He said, as he left the room.

Narcissa places a hand on his shoulder, smiling sympathetically.

"It'll take him a while, but he'll come around." She comforted him, as a owl tapped on the window. "Oh that must be Blaise. Or should I say Ginny." She smiled, pecking his cheek as she left the room.

Shaking his head, he sprinted to the window and unclamped his letter from the birds beak.

As he read her words, he smiled, as he became slightly teary eyed at her words. It felt as if she was speaking to him in person.

"Morning, Gin." Smiled Harry, happily as he sat next to her.

"Hi, Harry." She answered, "you're chirpy."

"Hey- I'm always happy!" He defended.

Smiling, she ate her breakfast, as Ron and Hermione came downstairs.

"Hiya, Gin." They both said, as Hermione sat to her other side, and Ron opposite her.

"Okayyyy.... what do you guys want?" Ginny asked, suspiciously.

"What? Why would you think we want something?" Asked Ron, nervously.

"Well, Harry is never this pleasant and you hardly ever leave your rooms. I know you want something because Ron is never out of bed this early. So, what do you want?" Ginny asked, smugly.

"We... we just wanted to talk to you about... Malfoy." Said Harry, spitting the boys name.

Rolling her eyes, Ginny spooned some of her cereal into her mouth, looking back at her quidditch book.

"What about Draco?" She asked, bored, as she continued to read her book.

"Gin, this is serious." Said Ron, snatching the book away from her.

"Urgh. Spit it out then." She sighed.

"We think you should break up." Said Hermione, slowly.

"Thank you for your 'advice' but I don't care." Said Ginny, getting up to put her bowl in the sink.

"Ginny, we are serious. He is dangerous." Said Harry, standing up, along with Hermione and Ron.

"Dully noted, but thank you anyway." She said, snatching her book from Ron, and walking out of the room.

"Seriously, Gin. We think he has joined Voldemort and become a death eater." Said Ron, catching up to her.

"Urgh. I take it this idea came from Harry." Ginny moaned.

"Yes it did!" Stated Harry, as the other two rolled their eyes.

"Not every Slytherin is a bad guy! I am a Slytherin!" Ginny bellowed, "Listen guys, I know you all have this secret plan over Voldemort, so don't worry about Draco." She sighed, although she knew they were right.

"We are just trying to look out for you sis. Doesn't it worry you that when you move back to Griffindor, he'll change?" Asked Ron.

With a big huff, she turned to them, a blazing look in her eye.

"No. No it doesn't." And with that she left the house.

Pansy gasped was she read her letter from Ginny. No way could she talk to stars! She thought. She never even knew stars could talk.

"Pansy!" Called her mother from downstairs. "Can you check the decorations the house elves put up? We don't want that pitiful colour pallet like last year."

Rolling her eyes at her mothers obnoxiousness, Pansy walked downstairs and congratulated the house elves of their hard work. Offering them cookies and having a pleasant talk with them, Pansy couldn't believe that this time last year, she was looking down on these kind creatures.

She was sure, if it weren't for Ginny, she would probably be the same selfish, arrogant version of herself. Smiling at the elves, she helped them place the star on the tree.

Thank you for reading! Xx
Jurassic world and park are so good! X

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