9- Dancing With A Malfoy

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After the theatre performance, Draco led Ginny to a small cafe that over looked one of the city's lakes. It amazed Ginny that an industrial city could hold such a precious scene. By this time the rain had stopped raining, and the grey clouds vanished as the sun made its way in the sky.

Ginny and Draco took a seat next to the window and smiled to themselves.

An old lady, around sixty, made her way up to the young couple, note pad and pen in hand. She wore a cute white apron and a badge with the name 'Sammy' on.

"Hi, you two love birds. My name is Sammy and I'll be your waitress today. What can I get the pretty couple?" She asked, her presence brought a warm glow to the room.

Draco and Ginny looked at each other awkwardly, thus long with their fingers.

"Actually we are just friends." Said Ginny, though deep down she knew she didn't want to.

"Oh beg your pardon. Okay you two friends," she said, giving a very over exaggerated wink, "What can I get you two?"

Ginny and Draco has to stifle their laugh behind their menus as they have her their orders. They both ordered the club sandwiches and a bowl of chips to share between them.

Sammy jotted their orders down and headed off to the kitchen.

After she was out of sight, the pair burst out into fits of laughter.

"Oh my gosh! That was the most embarrassing-" Ginny couldn't even finish her sentence as her laughter took over. Draco followed and after a few minutes the couple had calmed down and composed themselves.

"Thank you for taking me out." Said Ginny smiling into his eyes.

Draco didn't know why, but every time she smiled, butterflies would erupt in his stomach and he couldn't stray his eyes away from the beautiful, smiling read head.

"Your welcome. You were studying so hard for your NEWTS I thought you deserved a fun day out." He said through a shy smile.

Her heart warmed at his words. She didn't realise how much Draco cared for her till today, and she liked the feeling of him caring for her.

"Thank you, Draco. I must say you presently surprised me. If you told me a two months ago I'd be skiving school with Draco Malfoy, I would have laughed." She chuckled, remembering their last relationship, consisting of insults and rude remarks.

Draco felt proud knowing she thought well of him. He wanted her to feel safe around him and happy. He was glad to hear her openly expressing her like for him.

Sammy arrived soon after and handed them their food.

"Here you go, hope you enjoy your meal." She said smiling, disappearing to another customer.

The teens smiled to each other and began to eat their meal.

They made quiet chatter, laughing at jokes and bantering flirtatiously. They didn't know it, but they were building a bond so strong, nothing would break it.

Hermione sat in Transfiguration, her third lesson of the day. She hadn't seen Ginny or Malfoy the entire day, and she was starting to get worried.

"Ron, have you seen your sister today?" She asked across her table.

"No, not since last night at dinner." He replied. "Comes to think of it I haven't seen Malfoy here either, so you think they are together?"

"He probably dragged her into some of his dodgy death eater business." Sneered Harry, leaning into their conversation.

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