27- The Last day

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Ginny anxiously walked to the spare exam room.

"It'll be fine- you are the descendent of the stars. You got this!" Pansy reassured her, as they got to the door.

"Yeah, just breathe." Said Theo.

"Don't worry Red, just chill, yeah?" Blaise said, hugging her.

She glanced at Draco as the doors opened and Professor Sinistra stood.

"Ready?" She asked, as Ginny gave a nervous nod.

Sinistra walked in the room and waited for Ginny. Slowly, she turned and closed the door, taking one last glance at Draco, who gave her a small smile, then closed it.

Ginny walked in the room and sat down at the only desk, as Sinistra began talking.

"You will have one and a half hours to complete this test. Good luck. The time starts now."

Ginny flew through the papers, answering every question with ease. Though Ginny couldn't remember being taught some parts, the answer managed to find its way onto the paper. Finishing in record time, she lazily flicked through the pages for the last ten minutes, checking for any mistakes.

Once the time ended, Sinistra collected her paper, and allowed Ginny to leave to attend her last lesson of the term, DADA.

After the lessons ended, and dinner was served, students fled to the lake where the Christmas party was being held for the students.

The grass around the lake had been taken over by a blur of dancing bodies, bobbing up and down to the music. Over half the school was there, so if it wasn't for the silencing charms some of the older students had cast, the teachers would have shut down the party.

Ginny and Pansy walked down towards the excitement, holding magically enchanted bags to carry their gifts. They hadn't talked to the boys from two nights ago, when they stormed off, and the last phase of their plan was in action. The cool cold night bit their exposed arms and legs.

"Okay, we need to look cute but sexy as hell at the same time. In the morning we leave, so if they don't ask us today- then we'll have to wait till after the break." Pansy began.

"Okay, but I feel bad. We should have asked them out-"

"Yes, yes I know all your feminist stuff, but... you know... it's just- I thought they would have done so by now." Pansy sighed.

"Same- after that kiss, I was sure Draco would ask me to be his girlfriend, but he didn't." She smiled, "Let's just have fun, yeah?"

Pansy nodded, happily, as they entered the wards, and the blazing music hit their ears. Their skin immediately warmed from the fire and heating spells, allowing their goosebumps to disappear.

"Ginny! Pansy!" A voice called from the fire.

They turned, and saw a smirking Blaise and Seamus sitting on a log, warming their hands on the fire, with empty cups scattered around them.

"Hi guys." Ginny smiled, as she and Pansy sat next to them.

"I hear a long awaited question may be asked today?" Asked a smirking Seamus.

"It better, or as per usual we shall have to do it ourselves." Huffed Pansy, "And if my parents hear I had to ask- I'd be disowned."

They chuckled as Hermione walked over in a bathing suit.

"Hey guys- Ginny! How did your test go?" She asked excitedly.

"Really well I think." Ginny answered, summoning a glass of butter beer.

"Well done!" Her eyes glanced from Ginny's, and looked over her shoulder, "Right, I'm going to see Ron, oh well done, Gin." She smiled, running off to Ron.

Ginny looked over to the lake, and noticed only a few people were in the water. She spotted Draco staring at her from the other side of the fire, with Theo and Dean, and smirked.

She positioned herself so Draco would have the best view, and slowly took her top off, making sure to push out her chest and suck in her non-existent gut. A few whoops from passing boys were heard, but Ginny didn't care about them. Stealing a secret glance at Draco, she saw his open mouth and spilled drink on the floor, making her smirk.

She handed Pansy her top, as she smirked, and began unbuttoning her shorts. Making sure Draco could see her, she slid them off as well, accompanied by more whistles.
Like a flash of lightning, a built body stood in front of her.

"Eyes up here." Draco's voice rang through the crowd, as fearful boys looked away.

As she handed her clothes to Pansy, she gave her a wink, and turned to Draco.

His eyes held so much lust, Ginny felt pleased with herself as she teasingly tip toed to dance her elegant fingers over his chest and back.

She whispered a seductive thanks in his ear, smirking, before leaving his proximity, and walking off.

"Guys, watch this." She called over her shoulder, jogging over to a grand oak tree that stood over the lake.

Other students herd, as they followed, a crowd beginning to gather around the side of the lake.

Ginny climbed up the tree and grabbed a rope that was tied around one of the branches that grew over the waters surface.

Kicking off, she flew through the air, like a monkey, and let go, gliding through the air doing summer-salts and flips. The spectators clapped and whistled as they watched, a small line forming at the tree, excited to do what Ginny did.

With a small splash, she cracked the surface of the water, as the cool liquid engulfed her. She hoped that Draco was watching and was impressed at her stunt. Swimming to the surface, cheers erupted, more people jumping in after her. Her eyes searched for the pair of silver orbs on the shore, but couldn't find them.

Sighing, she began to swim to one of the unused inflatable- a muggle floating invention- and managed to pull herself onto it. As soon as she got comfy, it was turned over, causing Ginny to fall into the water with a splash.

Strong arms wrapped around her and brought her up to the surface, floating under the upturned boat.

A pair of lips crashed onto hers, pulling her body flush agains his. As they broke apart, Ginny saw Draco looking at her, water droplets falling off his strands of blonde hair and rolling down his face. She shivered as she took in his appearance.

"You left me in quite a state back there." He said huskily, still holding her in his arms.

Ginny smirked, as she trailed her fingers over his biceps, shoulders and chest.

"I don't know what you mean." She said, as his heart rate quickened, shivering under her touch.

"What are you doing to me?" He said in a throaty voice, before crashing his lips against hers.

For a moment, she lost herself in the kiss, and gave as good as she got- but then she remembered her plan and pulled away. He looked at her confused, as she pushed him away and waited for a moment. His silence caused her to swim away from him, but hearing his sigh, she slowed.

"Will you be my girlfriend or not?" He asked.

"How long do you take?" She laughed, pulling him in for a kiss again.

They stayed under there for a while, before joining the party. When they arrived, they found Theo and Pansy on-top of each other in a passionate kiss, but Blaise and Seamus were no where to be found.

Smirking to themselves they partied till the early hours of the morning.

Thank you for reading! Xx
Guardians of the Galaxy, and 10 things I hate about you
are brilliant! Xx

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