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Back to cody's view:

As I still sang with passion, dancers flooded the stage. Fire lit up the room as it was being thrown from person to person. Horses rode through the stage; jumped over hurdles and tried to avoid stepping on anyone.

Swinging my arms around as Zach and Dan slammed on their guitars. I was running around dancing but also trying to avoid hitting anyone with my arms flying around the performance area.

When I looked around the stage, I saw Amy running in between all the actors, dancers and horses.

She was laughing, thinking it was all a joke but it wasn't. I was only doing this so that I could hopefully get out of this place and go find Shay.

I saw Laura trying to grab Amy but she got crowded by the dancers. It was almost like they was trying to block her from getting Amy.

The dancers and actors was surrounding Laura and mumbling "Someone is next. Someone isn't meant to be here."

Horror spread across Laura's face quickly. She was panicking, she was going pale, she was trying to escape the people surrounding her. But they kept closing her in.

All I could do was watch.

I couldn't help her. I needed to keep singing so that I could hopefully let the boys and myself out.

They needed to be free as they already been through hell by staying here for way to long...

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