Harsh Reality

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Stiles POV

Leaving him was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Even though I don't remember much that I've had to do. Just looking at his face in my mirror as I drove away broke my heart. I had to do it though. To protect him. Even though he might not think he needs protecting.

About halfway back to where Theo was staying I pulled over. I had to make myself look banged up and this was what I had to do. Again to protect them.

I grabbed a stick from the ground and rubbed it against a tree. How else was I supposed to make it sharp. After about five minutes I had made the stick sharp enough to cut through human flesh. I then proceeded to dig the stick into my skin. I made sure not to dig too deep so I wouldn't bleed out. After about 10 minutes I had made it so we almost every part of me was covered in some kind of scratch.

I was about to get back into the car when suddenly I felt a hand on my arm pulling me back. I turned around to see Jackson behind me. I desperately tried to break free, but his grip was firm.

"Where are you going?" He asked me still don't letting go.

"Back to Theo's house. I can't let him hurt you guys, and this is the only way I can do that. Please let me go." Tears were beginning to prick at my eyes, and no matter how many I pushed back, a bunch more went in it's place.


"No stop!! This might be what you call me but I'm done. I don't even know who I am anymore Jackson. I don't think I ever did. All I know is that my memory was wiped clean, and some memories managed to slip through the cracks. I'm not the person that you used to know. I don't know if I ever will be again. My feeling say that I felt something for you, and I feel that something. But it's just there for me." He tried to grab me again, but I was just dodging all the arms.

"Please,"I could feel myself crying now,"if you love me. Or if you've ever loved me. Let me go." The last part you could tell shocked him. His face got all shocked before it relaxed again.

"Stiles. Please rethink this. Rethink what you're doing. Theo is a maniac. A horrible human being...."

"HE WAS THERE WHEN I WOKE UP!!!" I yelled at him,"he made sure I had eaten. Told me my own name, and let me drive alone to the sandwich shop. I don't think it's him who is the bad guy here. The only bad thing he ever did was chain me to the bed, and I even see the reason for that now." I was full on crying now. Why did I care so much about these people when it seems like all they ever did was hurt me.

"So please let me go." To my surprise he actually did let me go. I took that as my opportunity to run back to my Jeep. Leaving him standing in the woods.

Once I got into my car I hit the steering wheel and just screamed. After about five minutes I decided myself stable enough to drive. I managed to turn on the radio, but what came on was a song I wasn't expecting.

There's a storm coming up and I gotta prepare myself
Cuz this feelings getting stronger everyday
Something creeping inside everything is about to change
Got to face the fact that I can't walk away

I turned it off immediately. I don't know why, but that song just reminded me of something. I can remember what, but something. The song brought tears to my eyes, but I couldn't figure out why.

After about five or ten minutes of driving I made it to Theo's place. Once I got out of the car I realized how in pain I actually was. I barely made it to the door before I had to lean on a rail for support.

"THEO!!" I managed to yell. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Theo's concerned face. Then everything went black.

Theo's POV

I heard Stiles yell for me before I went running out the door. He looked horrible. Cuts were everywhere along his body and he could barely stand on his feet. I was barely able to catch him before he blacked out.

I carried him inside and laid him on the kitchen table. I would've put him on the couch but he was bleeding really badly and the table is glass.

Panic was rising in me. What had happened to him? He had definitely proven his loyalty to me if he had almost died trying to obey me. Maybe I can trust him. It's easier now that he's a blank slate. Before he would've been the hardest one to convince to join my side. That the kind of person he is though. The person that will follow Scott until he dies. Great person to have following you.

I realized I had just been staring at him as he started to wake up. Man I was kind of being creepy.

"Theo?" He asked as his eyes started to flutter open.

"Yeah I'm here. Do you need anything?" He tried to shake his head but you could tell he was in pain. The least I could do was take some right?

I could feel his body as it went less tense than it was before. The pain was a lot though. And I'm supposed to be able to endure more being a Chimera.

"Is that better?" He nodded his head in response. It made me feel better that he was actually not in so much pain to the point where he could move his head.

"Okay. Just let me know if it hurts any worse." I moved him over to the couch ignoring the wince he made as I lifted him. As soon as his head hit the cushion he passed out.

I headed up to my room and laid down in my bed.

What am I going to do now?

A/N: So...it's been a while since I last posted on this story. Keep in mind though, I haven't really been posting a lot at all. Today is the day where I am going to try and update all the stories and I will try and update more often.

So besides that. What do you think of Theo. Is he actually starting to care for Stiles well-being? Or is he just pretending to gain his trust?

Leave your opinions on that matter in the comments. Bye for now!!!

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